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HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Namespace : HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs Class

For a list of all members of this type, see HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyBlackCount Gets the total number of black pixels in one of the holes of a hole punch pattern.  
Public PropertyBoundingRectangle Gets a rectangle structure that contains the bounding rectangle of one of the holes in a hole punch pattern.  
Public PropertyHoleIndex Gets the index of the hole within a hole punch pattern.  
Public PropertyHoleTotalCount Gets the total number of holes that make up the hole punch pattern.  
Public PropertyImage Gets the RasterImage object that references the affected image.  
Public PropertyRegion Gets the Windows region representing one of the holes of the hole punch pattern.  
Public PropertyStatus Gets or sets the status of the hole punch removal process.  
Public PropertyWhiteCount Gets the total number of white pixels in one of the holes of a hole punch pattern.  

See Also