Note: This topic is for
Document/Medical only.
The hot spot annotation object
is a rectangle that can be activated for an application-defined purpose. With the
automated functions, in design mode, the rectangle contains a scaled image. The
user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. In run mode,
the object is transparent, but the mouse pointer changes to a hand when it is over
the object. Programmatically, the boundaries and location of the hotspot object can
be controlled using the following properties:
class inherits a number of properties from the
AnnObjectBase class
that provide support for font, stroke and fill characteristics. These properties
are listed below:
Fill Stroke StrokeDashArray StrokeDashCap StrokeDashOffset StrokeEndLineCap StrokeLineJoin StrokeMiterLimit StrokeStartLineCap StrokeThickness FontDecorations FontFamily FontSize FontStretch FontStyle FontWeight SupportsFill SupportsFont SupportsStroke
Header HeaderBackground HeaderDecorations HeaderFontFamily HeaderFontSize HeaderFontStretch HeaderFontStyle HeaderFontWeight HeaderForeground HeaderOffset IsHeaderRestricted IsHeaderVisible
For more information about the automated hotspot annotation object, refer to WPF Annotation Objects - Automated Features and WPF Automated Annotations - Hotspot Picture Tab.