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File Formats: JPEG and LEAD Compressed (JPG, J2K, JPX, JP2, CMP, CMW)

LEADTOOLS for WPF reads and writes the following LEAD and JPEG compressed formats:

LEAD. This is the LEAD CMP compressed format for grayscale and color images. This format results in smaller files and better image quality than industry-standard formats. In addition, LEAD also supports CMW files, which use Wavelet CMP compression in 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24-bit color.

Progressive LEAD. This is a LEAD format that is useful for transmitting images, because the first part of the file contains the full dimensions of the image. Therefore, in a paint-while-load routine, you can display the whole image, and then progressively clarify it as the rest of the file loads. In this format you can read and write 8 or 24 bits per pixel, where 8 is for grayscale and 24 is for color.

Lossy JFIF. This is the JPEG File Interchange Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:1:1 color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.

Lossless JFIF. This is the JPEG File Interchange Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24-bit color spacing. Please note that not all applications support Lossless JPEG. Before saving a file using Lossless JPEG, make sure your reader supports it.

Both JPEG 4:4:4 and Lossless JPEG will be recognized when getting file information.

12 and 16-bit grayscale images are only supported in the Document/Medical toolkits.

Progressive JPEG. This is a JFIF format that is useful for transmitting images, because the first part of the file contains the full dimensions of the image. Therefore, in a paint-while-load routine, you can display the whole image, and then progressively clarify it as the rest of the file loads. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:1:1 color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.

Lossy JTIF. This is the JPEG Tagged Interchange Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:1:1 color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.

Lossless JTIF. This is the JPEG Tagged Interchange Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24-bit color spacing. Please note that not all applications support Lossless JPEG. Before saving a file using Lossless JPEG, make sure your reader supports it.

Both TIFF JPEG 4:4:4 and Lossless JPEG will be recognized when getting file information.

12 and 16-bit grayscale images are only supported in the Document/Medical toolkits.

J2K – Lossy or Lossless. This is a JPEG 2000 Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF can read 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24 and 48--bit color images. LEADTOOLS for WPF can save 8, 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 24, 32 and 48--bit color images. The J2K format contains only a stream of image data. Support for this format is only available in the LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 Plug in. (12 and 16-bit grayscale support is only in Document/Medical toolkits)

JP2 – Lossy or Lossless. This is a JPEG 2000 Format. LEADTOOLS for WPF can read 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24 and 48--bit color images. LEADTOOLS for WPF can save 8, 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 24, 32 and 48--bit color images. The JP2 format contains a stream of image data, plus extra data about the organization and contents of the file. Support for this format is only available in the LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 Plug in. (12 and 16-bit grayscale support is only in Document/Medical toolkits)

JPX (JPEG 2000 Part2). The JPX (JPEG 2000 Part 2) file format is especially useful for document, medical, and satellite imagery archiving systems. All LEADTOOLS Raster Pro, Document Imaging, and Medical Imaging toolkits and LEADTOOLS for WPF can read /parse JPX files. LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkits can also write /update JPX files.

TIFJ2K – Lossy or Lossless. This is a Tagged Image File with JPEG 2000 Compression. This file format contains only a stream of image data. LEADTOOLS for WPF supports 8, 12, and 16-bit grayscale and 24-bit color spacing. Support for this format is only available in the LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 Plug in. (12 and 16-bit grayscale support is only in Document/Medical toolkits)

Please note that Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll is required for loading JPEG CMYK images and for loading and saving JPEG LAB images.

File constants associated with these file formats are:


WIC Codec Subformat

File Constant
Read Support Write Support Description
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpeg Jpeg 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpeg411 Jpeg411 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, 4:1:1.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpeg422 Jpeg422 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, 4:2:2.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab JpegLab444 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:4:4.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab411 JpegLab411 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:1:1.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab422 JpegLab422 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, CieLAB 4:2:2.
CLSID_WICLeadJpegEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJpegRgb JpegRgb 24 BPP (Color) 24 BPP (Color) JPEG File Interchange Format, RGB 4:4:4.
CLSID_WICLeadCmpEncoder WICLeadSubFormatCmp Cmp 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) LEAD CMP compressed format.
WICLeadSubFormatCmw Cmw 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24 BPP (Color) LEAD Wavelet CMP compressed format.
CLSID_WICLeadJ2kEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJ2k J2k 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24,48 BPP (Color) JPEG 2000 File.
CLSID_WICLeadJ2kEncoder WICLeadSubFormatJp2 Jp2 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24, 32, 48, 64 BPP (Color) 8, 12, 16 BPP (Grayscale) 24,48 BPP (Color) JPEG 2000 Stream.

Required DLL:For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

Related Formats: EXIF - Exif Formats, TIFF - Tagged Image File Format.

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