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WiaAcquireOptions Structure Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Wia Namespace : WiaAcquireOptions Structure

The following tables list the members exposed by WiaAcquireOptions.

Public Properties

Public Property Append Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether to append the acquired pages to the end of an existing file that supports multi-page files.  
Public Property DoubleBuffer Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether to enable double buffering.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Empty Returns a WiaAcquireOptions structure with default values.  
Public Property FileName Gets or sets the filename.  
Public Property MemoryBufferSize Gets or sets the memory buffer size to be used in data transfer.  
Public Property OverwriteExisting Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether to overwrite any existing files found with the same name(s).  
Public Property SaveToOneFile Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether to save multiple pages to a single file.  

Public Methods

Public Method Equals (Inherited from System.ValueType)
Public Method GetHashCode (Inherited from System.ValueType)
Public Method ToString (Inherited from System.ValueType)

See Also