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RasterImageFormat Enumeration
See Also  
Leadtools.Workflow.Raster Namespace : RasterImageFormat Enumeration

Indicates the image file format.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum RasterImageFormat 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterImageFormat
public enum RasterImageFormat : Enum 
public enum class RasterImageFormat : public Enum 


Unknown Unknown (or RAW Data).
PcxZSoft PCX.
GifCompuServe GIF.
TifTIFF (Tagged Image File Format).
TgaTruevision TGA (TARGA).
CmpLEAD Compressed (CMP).
BmpBitmap (BMP).
JpegJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF).
JpegRgbJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (RGB).
TifJpegTIFF with JPEG compression.
Os2OS/2 Bitmap (OS/2 BMP).
WmfWindows Metafile (WMF).
EpsPostScript Raster (Encapsulated PostScript).
TifLzwTIFF with LZW Compression.
Jpeg411JPEG File Interchange Format (4-1-1).
TifJpeg411TIFF with JPEG compression.
Jpeg422JPEG File Interchange Format (4-2-2).
TifJpeg422TIFF with JPEG compression.
Lead1BitLEAD 1-bit lossless format.
CcittGroup31DimTIFF CCITT Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
CcittGroup32DimTIFF CCITT Group3 two dimensions.
CcittGroup4TIFF CCITT Group4 two dimensions 4.
AbcLEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression.
CalsCALS Raster (Type 1).
MacMacPaint (MAC).
ImgGEM Image (IMG).
MspMicrosoft Paint (MSP).
WpgWordPerfect (WPG).
RasSUN Raster Format (RAS).
FliFlic Animation (FLI).
EpsTiffPostScript Raster TIFF (Encapsulated PostScript TIFF).
EpsWmfPostScript Raster WMF(Encapsulated PostScript WMF).
FaxG31DimFAX Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
FaxG32DimFAX Group 3 (2 Dimensional).
FaxG4FAX Group 4.
WfxG31DimWinFax Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
WfxG4WinFax Group 4.
IcaG31DimIOCA (ICA) (1 Dimensional).
IcaG32DimIOCA (ICA) (2 Dimensional).
IcaG4IOCA (ICA) (Group 4).
Os22OS/2 Bitmap (OS/2 BMP).
PngPNG (Portable Network Graphics).
RawIcaG31DimIOCA (ICA) (Group 3 1Dimensional).
RawIcaG32DimIOCA (ICA) (Group 3 2Dimensional).
RawIcaG4IOCA (ICA) (Group 4).
BmpRleBitmap (BMP) (With RLE).
TifCmykTIFF CMYK (With CMYK colorspace).
TifPackBitsTIFF Packbits.
TifPackBitsCmykTIFF Packbits (CMYK).
TifDxfTIFF with embedded DXF.
WinIcoWindows Icon (ICO).
WinCurWindows Cursor (CUR).
TifPackbitsYccTIFF Packbits (YCC).
ExifYccExif (YCC).
ExifJpeg422Exif (JPEG 4-2-2).
ExifJpegExif (JPEG 4-2-2). This is the same as RasterImageFormat.ExifJpeg422.
ExifJpeg411Exif (JPEG 4-1-1).
PbmAsciiPBM Ascii.
PbmBinaryPBM Binary.
PgmAsciiPGM Ascii.
PgmBinaryPPGM Binary.
PpmAsciiPPM Ascii.
PpmBinaryPPM Binary.
CutDr. Halo.
XpmXPM Window PixMap.
XbmXWindows BitMap (XBM).
IffIlbmIFF (Amiga Interchange) (ILBM).
IffCatIFF (Amiga Interchange) (CAT).
XwdX Window Dump (XWD).
ClpMicrosoft Windows Clipboard (CLP).
EmfWindows Enhanced Metafile (EMF).
IcaIbmMmrIOCA (ICA) (MMR Compressed).
RawIcaIbmMmrIOCA (ICA) (Raw MMR Compressed).
AniWindows Animated Cursor (ANI).
LaserDataLaserView LaserData.
IntergraphRleIntergraphRLE (ITG) (RLE compressed).
Cals4CALS Raster (Type 4).
Cals2CALS Raster (Type 2).
Cals3CALS Raster (Type 3).
Xwd10X Window Dump (XWD 10).
Xwd11X Window Dump (XWD 11).
FlcFlic Animation (FLC).
TifCmpTIFF (with LEAD CMP compression).
TifJbigTIFF (with JBIG compression).
TifUnknownTIFF (Unknown image data).
SgiSilicon Graphics Image Format (SGI).
SgiRleSilicon Graphics Image Format (SGI) (RLE).
RasPdfPortable Document Format (PDF).
RasPdfG31DimPortable Document Format (PDF) (Group 3 1-Dimensional).
RasPdfG32DimPortable Document Format (PDF) (Group 3 2-Dimensional).
RasPdfG4Portable Document Format (PDF) (Group 4).
RasPdfJpegPortable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG).
RasPdfJpeg422Portable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG 4-2-2).
RasPdfJpeg411Portable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG 4-1-1).
RasPdfLzwPortable Document Format (PDF) (LZW Compression).
RasPdfJbig2Portable Document Format (PDF) (JBIG2 Compression).
RasPdfCmykPortable Document Format (PDF) (CMYK data).
RasPdfLzwCmykPortable Document Format (PDF) (CMYK data - LZW Compression).
RawRaw Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
TifCustom Unsupported.
RawRgbRaw Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
RawRle4Raw Image Data (RLE 4-bit). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
RawRle8Raw Image Data (RLE 8-bit).LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
RawBitfieldsRaw Image Data (BitField compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
RawPackBitsRaw Image Data (Packbits compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
RawJpegRaw Image Data (JPEG compressed).
FaxG31DimNoEolFAX Group 3 (1 Dimensional) - with no EOL.
RawCcittRaw Image Data (CCITT compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
Jp2JP2 – Lossy or Lossless.
J2kJ2K – Lossy or Lossless.
TifJ2kTIFF with JPEG 2000 compression.
TifCmwTIFF with LEAD Wavelet CMW compression.
MrcStandard MRC T44 format.
LeadMrcLEADTOOLS MRC format.
TifMrcTIFF with standard MRC compression.
TifLeadMrcTIFF with LEAD MRC compression.
WbmpWireless Bitmap Format (WBMP).
JpegLabJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB).
JpegLab411JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB 4-1-1).
JpegLab422JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB 4-2-2).
GeoTiffTIFF (GeoTIFF).
TifLead1BitTIFF with LEAD 1-bit compression.
TifAbcTIFF with LEAD ABC 1-bit compression.
PostscriptPostScript Document Format (PS).
PtocaPTOCA Format (PTOCA).
SctScitex Continuous Tone Format (SCT).
AfpAFP Format (AFP).
IcaUncompressedIOCA (ICA) (uncompressed).
RawIcaUncompressedIOCA (ICA) (raw uncompressed).
SmpSMP Format (SMP).
SmpG31DimSMP Format (SMP) (Group 3 1-Dimensional).
SmpG32DimSMP Format (SMP) (Group 3 2-Dimensional).
SmpG4SMP Format (SMP) (Group 4).
TgaRleTruevision TGA (TARGA) (RLE).
RasRleSUN Raster Format (RAS) (RLE).
ClpRleMicrosoft Windows Clipboard (CLP)(RLE compressed).
FitFITS Format (FIT).
CinCineon Format (CIN).
EpsPostscriptPostScript Raster (Encapsulated PostScript).
IntergraphCcittG4IntergraphRLE (ITG) (CCITT Group 4 compressed).
SffStructured Fax File Format (SFF).
IffIlbmUncompressedIFF (Amiga Interchange) (ILBM uncompressed).
IffCatUncompressedIFF (Amiga Interchange) (CAT uncompressed).
AfpIcaG31DimAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group3 1 Dimensional.
AfpIcaG32DimAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group3 2 Dimensional.
AfpIcaG4AFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group4.
AfpIcaUncompressedAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Uncompressed.
AfpIcaIbmMmrAFP Format (AFP) IOCA MMR Compressed.
PsdPhotoshop 3.0 (PSD).
Jbig2JBIG2 (JB2).
CrwAFP Format (AFP) IOCA MMR Compressed.
DcrKodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCR).
DcsKodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCS).
EcwEnhanced Compressed Wavelet Format (ECW).
KdcKodak Digital Camera Format (KDC).
PcdPhotoCD (PCD).
PspPaint Shop Pro Format (PSP).
PspRlePaint Shop Pro Format (PSP) (RLE compressed).
Kdc120Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (120).
Kdc40Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (40).
Kdc50Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (50).
RtfRasterRich Text Format (RTF).
AwdMicrosoft Fax (AWD).
AbicRaw ABIC Format (ABIC).
IcaAbicIOCA with ABIC compression.
TifAbicTIFF with ABIC compression.
TifJbig2TIFF with JBIG2 compression.
RawLzwLZW Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw lzw compressed data.
PdfLeadMrcPDF format with image segmentation using MRC.
Txt ASCII Text Format. LEADTOOLS can load TXT files as raster images.
FpxKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
FpxSingleColorKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
FpxJpegKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
FpxJpegQFactorKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
DicomGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomColorDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomRleGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomRleColorDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomJpegGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomJpegColorDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomJ2kGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
DicomJ2kColorDICOM Format (DIC).
WmzCompressed Windows Metafile Format (WMZ).
PctMacintosh Pict Format (PCT).
SidMrSid Format (SID). Deprecated - No longer supported.
DjvuDjVu Format (DJVU).
TifxJbigXerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxJbigT43Xerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxJbigT43ItuLabXerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxJbigT43GsXerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxFaxG4Xerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxFaxG31DXerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxFaxG32DXerox Internet Fax File Format.
TifxJpegXerox Internet Fax File Format.
HdpJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
HdpGrayJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
HdpCmykJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
PngIcoWindows Icon (ICO), PNG Compressed (VISTA).
TifZipTIFF (with ZIP compression).
XpsXML Paper Specification (XPS) - with CServe PNG Compression.
JpxJpeg 2000 extension part 2 (JPX).
XpsJpegXML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-4-4) Compression.
XpsJpeg422XML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-2-2) Compression.
XpsJpeg411XML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-1-1) Compression.
MngMultiple Network Graphics (MNG).
MngGrayMultiple Network Graphics (MNG) - Gray.
MngJngMultiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-4-4.
MngJng411Multiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-1-1.
MngJng422Multiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-2-2.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family

See Also

Leadtools.Workflow.Raster requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features