Changes from Version 14.5 to Version 15

Version 15 of this C DLL has changed from version 14.5 as follows:

Feature Updates:

Example updates:

L_DicomSendNSetRequest has been replaced.

Topic updates:

The following topics have been added or updated:

Demo Programs

Unique Identifiers Table

The following topics have been removed:

Unlocking DICOM Support

Changed or removed functions:

The following functions have been changed:

L_DicomGetConvertValue takes 1 new parameter.

L_DicomSetStringValue takes 1 new parameter.

L_DicomGetCalled takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetCalling takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetApplication takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetAbstract   takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetTransfer takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetImplementClass takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetImplementVersion takes 2 new parameters.

L_DicomGetHostInfo takes 1 new parameter.

L_DicomGetPeerInfo takes 1 new parameter.

Changed or removed structures:

The following structures have been changed:

DICOMELEMENT takes 1 new member.

Changed or removed flags:


For more information, refer to: