
#include "ltweb.h"

L_LTWEB_API L_INT L_InetHttpSendData(hHttp, pData, uSize, pszContentType, pNameValue)

HINET hHttp;

/* handle to an HTTP connection */

L_CHAR *pData;

/* pointer to the data to send */

L_UINT32 uSize;

/* size of pData */

L_TCHAR *pszContentType;

/* HTTP content type */

pNAMEVALUE pNameValue;

/* pointer to a structure */

Sends raw data to an HTTP server.




Handle to the HTTP connection. It is the same handle obtained using the L_InetHttpConnect function.


Pointer to data to send in the HTTP request.


Size of pData.


A string describing the content type. This string is usually formatted type/subtype where type is the general content category and subtype is the specific content type. For a full list of supported content types, see your Internet browser documentation or the current HTTP specification.


A pointer to the structure that contains the name/value pair for this image. This information is used to get the information from a script on the server machine. This name is usually some user-defined name and the value is the filename of the data.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


It is up to a script on the server side to process the data when it is received. This script is specified in the L_InetHttpOpenRequest function. The script can be any type of file that is recognized by the HTTP Server.

Note: The LEADTOOLS Uploading component can be used in an ASP page to extract the uploaded data.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


L_InetHttpSendBitmap, L_InetHttpSendForm, L_InetHttpSendRequest


HTTP Functions: Sending Data Over a HTTP Connection


Working with HTTP Functions


 L_INT InetHttpSendDataExample(L_CHAR * pData,L_UINT32 uSize)
   HINET hInet;
   L_INT nRet;
   DWORD dwSizeWrite;
   nRet = L_InetHttpConnect(TEXT("www.leadtools.com"),80, TEXT(""),TEXT(""),&hInet);
      nRet = L_InetHttpOpenRequest(hInet,HTTP_GET, TEXT("/upload.asp"), TEXT(""),TEXT("HTTP/1.0"),0);
         L_TCHAR szResponse[2048];
         L_UINT32 lsize;
         L_UINT uStatus;
         L_HANDLE fp;
         NAMEVALUE nv;
         nv.pszName = TEXT("Data");
         nv.pszValue = TEXT("data1.raw");
         nRet=L_InetHttpSendData(hInet,pData,uSize, TEXT("image/jpg"),&nv);
            MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Error Sending Form"),TEXT("Error"),MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            nRet = L_InetHttpCloseRequest(hInet);
            if(nRet != SUCCESS)
               return nRet;
            nRet = L_InetHttpDisconnect(hInet);
            if(nRet != SUCCESS)
               return nRet;
            return nRet;
         nRet = L_InetHttpGetServerStatus(hInet,&uStatus);
         if(nRet != SUCCESS)
            return nRet;
            lsize = 2048;
            nRet = L_InetHttpGetResponse(hInet,(L_CHAR *) szResponse,&lsize);
            if(nRet != SUCCESS)
               return nRet;
            fp =CreateFile(TEXT("output.htm"), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
               WriteFile(fp,szResponse, lsize, &dwSizeWrite, NULL); 
               lsize = 1048;
               nRet = L_InetHttpGetResponse (hInet,(L_CHAR *)szResponse,&lsize);
               if(nRet != SUCCESS)
                  return nRet;
            MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Problem With Server"),TEXT("Error"),MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            lsize = 2048;
            nRet = L_InetHttpGetResponse (hInet,(L_CHAR *)szResponse,&lsize);
            if(nRet != SUCCESS)
               return nRet;
           fp =CreateFile(TEXT("error.htm"), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
               WriteFile(fp,szResponse, lsize, &dwSizeWrite, NULL); 
               lsize = 1048;
               nRet = L_InetHttpGetResponse(hInet,(L_CHAR *)szResponse,&lsize);
               if(nRet != SUCCESS)
                  return nRet;
         nRet = L_InetHttpCloseRequest(hInet);
         if(nRet != SUCCESS)
            return nRet;
         return nRet;
      nRet = L_InetHttpDisconnect(hInet); 
      if(nRet != SUCCESS)
         return nRet;
      return nRet;
   return SUCCESS;