
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LBitmap::FreeHandWave (pAmplitudes, uAmplitudesCount, uScale, uWaveLen, nAngle, crFill, uFlags)

L_INT * pAmplitudes;

/* array of wave amplitudes */

L_UINT uAmplitudesCount;

/* array length */

L_UINT uScale;

/* wave size factor */

L_UINT uWaveLen;

/* wave length */

L_INT nAngle;

/* wave rotation angle */


/* fill color */

L_UINT uFlags;

/* flags */

Distorts the bitmap by the wave specified in pAmplitudes and the rotation angle specified in nAngle.




Array of integers that represent wave values. The real value of the array elements is divided by 1000, and the valid value of each element in pAmplitudes array is between 1000 and 1000. These values are generally obtained from the LBitmap::GetCurvePoints function. They may also be obtained through the Wave Shear Dialog, LDialogImageEffect::DoModalWaveShear.


Number of entries in the pAmplitudes array.


Factor used to decrease the various amplitude values in the pAmplitudes array. Each value in the pAmplitudes array is multiplied by this factor. The real factor value is the uScale value divided by 100. The valid range is from 0 to 100.


Value that represents the wave length, if DIS_PER is set in the uFlags parameter. Possible values range from 1 100 and give the wavelength as a percentage of the bitmap dimensions. If DIS_FRQ is set in uFlags, this value is the number of repeated waves.


Wave rotation angle in hundredths of a degree (+/-). The valid range is from 36000 to 36000. The value in degrees in nAngle divided by 100.


The COLORREF value that specifies the fill color for any exposed areas. You can specify a COLORREF value, such as the return value of the Windows RGB macro, or you can use the PALETTEINDEX macro to specify a palette color.


Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas and the type of information contained in uWaveLen. You can use a bitwise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.


The following are the flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas:






[0x0000] Fill any exposed areas with crFill.



[0x0001] Stretch the image edges to fill the exposed area.



[0x0002] Leave the exposed area as is, without changing it.


The following are the flags that indicate the type of information in the uWaveLen parameter:






[0x0000] The value in uWaveLen is a wavelength given as a percent of the bitmap dimensions. If this value is set, the valid range of uWaveLen is from 1 to 100.



[0x0010] The value in uWaveLen is the frequency, or the number of times the wave repeats.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The function applies the wave in the pAmplitudes array. You can repeat and rotate the wave in any direction. The pAmplitudes data can be obtained from the LBitmap::GetCurvePoints function, or from the Wave Shear Dialog, LDialogImageEffect::DoModalWaveShear.

If the bitmap has a region, the effect will be applied on the region only.

This function supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This function does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this function.

This function does not support 32-bit grayscale images. It returns the error code ERROR_GRAY32_UNSUPPORTED if a 32-bit grayscale image is passed to this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LBitmap::BricksTexture, LBitmap::Canvas, LBitmap::Clouds, LBitmap::ColoredBalls, LBitmap::DiffuseGlow, LBitmap::DisplaceMap, LBitmap::Fragment, LBitmap::HalfTonePattern, LBitmap::MaskConvolution, LBitmap::MosaicTiles, LBitmap::Offset, LBitmap::Perspective, LBitmap::PlasmaFilter, LBitmap::Pointillist, LBitmap::RomanMosaic, LBitmap::Vignette, LBitmap::ZigZag, LBitmap::AddNoise, LBitmap::Emboss, LBitmap::Mosaic, LBitmap::MotionBlur, LBitmap::Oilify, LBitmap::Posterize, LDialogImageEffect::DoModalFreeHandWave, LBitmap::RemoveRedeye, LBitmap::Solarize, LBitmapBase::Underlay, LBitmap::Bending, LBitmap::Cylindrical, LBitmap::FreeHandShear, LBitmap::Impressionist, LBitmap::Pixelate, LBitmap::Polar, LBitmap::Punch, LBitmap::RadialBlur, LBitmap::RadWave, LBitmap::Ripple, LBitmap::Spherize, LBitmap::Swirl, LBitmap::Wave, LBitmap::Wind, LBitmap::ZoomBlur, LBitmap::ZoomWave


Raster Image Functions: Doing Geometric Transformations


Processing an Image


Applying Artistic Effects


Using Color Values in LEADTOOLS


L_INT LBitmap__FreeHandWaveExample(LAnimationWindow * LAniWnd) 
   L_INT nRet;
   POINT      apUserPoint [4]; 
   L_INT      aAmplitudes[13];
   /* Load a bitmap at its own bits per pixel  */
   apUserPoint [0].x = 0; 
   apUserPoint [0].y = 0; 
   apUserPoint [1].x = 3; 
   apUserPoint [1].y = 10; 
   apUserPoint [2].x = 9; 
   apUserPoint [2].y = -10; 
   apUserPoint [3].x = 12; 
   apUserPoint [3].y = 0; 
   nRet =LAnimationWindow::GetCurvePoints(aAmplitudes, apUserPoint, 4, NULL, GUB_LINEAR);
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet =LAniWnd->FreeHandWave(aAmplitudes, 13, 100, 10, 0, 0, FILL_RPT | DIS_FRQ);
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   return SUCCESS;