AnnGetPoint... example for C++ 4.0 and later

Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.

In the AnnDrawn event, this example checks to see if the annotation object is a polygon. If it is a polygon, the example gets the number of points that define the object; then it gets the arrays of X and Y coordinates and displays the points in a message box.

void CMfc40Dlg::OnAnnDrawnLead1(long hObject) 
   int nType;
   long a;
   VARIANT xPoints;  //array for the X coordinates
   VARIANT yPoints;  //array for the Y coordinates
   long nPoints;     //number of points in the object
   CString msg;
   CString msg2;
   float x;
   float y;

   nType = m_Lead1.AnnGetType(hObject);
   if (nType == ANNOBJECT_POLYGON)  //Is the object a polygon?
      AfxMessageBox("Object is a Polygon");
      nPoints = m_Lead1.AnnGetPointCount(hObject);    //get the number of points
      xPoints = m_Lead1.AnnGetPointX(hObject);        //get the X coordinates
      yPoints = m_Lead1.AnnGetPointY(hObject);        //get the Y coordinates
      msg = "(";
      for (a=0; a<nPoints; a++)
         msg = msg + "{";
         SafeArrayGetElement(xPoints.parray, &a, &x);
         msg2.Format("%g", x);
         msg = msg + msg2;
         msg = msg + ",";
         SafeArrayGetElement(yPoints.parray, &a, &y);
         msg2.Format("%g", y);
         msg = msg + msg2;
         msg = msg + "}";
      msg = msg + ")";
      msg2.Format("The Polygon's %ld points:", nPoints);
      ::MessageBox(NULL,(LPCTSTR) msg,(LPCTSTR) msg2,MB_OK);