PanWinBitonalScaling property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Visual J++ example

Syntax short PanWinBitonalScaling

Overview:  Refer to Using a PanWindow.


(Document/Medical only, persistent property, available at design time) Sets options to improve the display of bitonal bitmaps in the PanWindow. The default is BITONALSCALING_NORMAL.




Causes bitonal images to be displayed normally when they are scaled.


Enables a bias in preserving black objects when displaying zoomed-out 1-bit images. This can prevent the disappearance of fine lines and details, but it slows down the display.

BITONALSCALING_SCALETOGRAY Enables grayscaling of 1-bit images when they are displayed. This improves the readability of the images when they are zoomed in or zoomed out, but it slows down the display.

See Also

Elements:  PanWin event, PanWinCursor property, PanWinHeight property, PanWinIcon property, PanWinPaintDither property, PanWinPaintPalette property, PanWinPointer property, PanWinRectColor property, PanWinSysMenu property, PanWinTitle property, PanWinWidth property, PanWinX property, PanWinY property, ShowPanWin method

Topics:  Raster Images: Displaying and Printing