Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Installation and System Files
    Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
    Programming with LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Examples and Tutorials
       Example Programs
       Using the Main ActiveX Control in VC++ .NET
       Visual Basic
       Visual C++ 4.0 and Later
       C++ Builder 3.0
       Microsoft Access 95 and 97
          Microsoft Access 95 and 97 Tutorials
          Microsoft Access 95 and 97 Miscellaneous Examples
             Miscellaneous Examples (Access 95 and 97)
             AnnSaveMemory example for Access 95 and 97
             AutoTrim example for Access 95 and 97
             BinaryFilter example for Access 95 and 97
             Capture example for Access 95 and 97
             ColorRes example for Access 95 and 97
             Combine example for Access 95 and 97
             CreateBitmap, Size, and Combine example for Access 95 and 97
             dbCan... example for Access 95 and 97
             DDB example for Access 95 and 97
             DIB example for Access 95 and 97
             FilePage Event Example for Access 95 and 97
             GetBitmapDC example for Access 95 and 97
             GetHistogram example for Access 95 and 97
             GetMinMaxBits example for Access 95 and 97
             GetMinMaxVal example for Access 95 and 97
             GetServerBitmap example for Access 95 and 97
             LoadInfo example for Access 95 and 97
             LoadMemory example for Access 95 and 97
             ODBC Example for Access 95 and 97
             Paint event, Enabled property, and hWnd property example for Access 95 and 97
             PaintEffect example for Access 95 and 97
             PaintPalette example for Access 95 and 97
             Render example for Access 95 and 97
             Resize event example for Access 95 and 97
             RgnChange example for Access 95 and 97
             Save example for Access 95 and 97
             SaveMemory example for Access 95 and 97
             Scroll event example for Access 95 and 97
             Underlay example for Access 95 and 97
       Microsoft Access 2.0
       Delphi 4.0
       Visual J++
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    Syntax and Key Codes