DICOM Basic – .NET and COM Interop

Assembly – Class/Namespace


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Leadtools.Dicom.dll -

Provides the main functionality for dealing with data sets. It includes methods for creating, initializing, loading and saving data sets. In addition, there are methods and properties that allow you to do the following:

  • Manuever through a data set.

  • Search a data set.

  • Insert or delete data set members.

  • Retrieve or set data element values.

  • Get or set information about the entire data set.

  • Convert values.

  • Create, verify, and handle Digital Signatures in DICOM Data Sets.

Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet Help







Leadtools.Dicom.dll -

Streamlines the process of writing, reading and updating DICOM Basic Directories object for DICOM File-sets.



Leadtools.Dicom.dll -

Represents the set of attributes that describe a DICOM waveform annotation.



Leadtools.Dicom.dll -

Provides methods to create and manipulate waveform channels.



Leadtools.Dicom.dll -

Provides functionalities to create and manipulate waveform groups.



Refer to .NET documentation for COM methods, properties and events.