Multimedia DirectShow Filters

The LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK includes a fully enabled development license for many components, as well as evaluation versions of several optional filters and video/audio codecs. You may consider licensing these for inclusion with your multimedia application to add value to your product. For instructions on licensing any of the DirectShow filters described below, see the Licensing section of the help file or contact . Evaluation versions are noted as such in the Feature column.

Video Filters





Help Files

Video Add



The add filter can be used for enhancing night vision or dropping more light on dark sources to clarify objects. The effect is performed in 2 ways, the first yields a frame rate divided by the number of added frames, while the other almost preserves the frame rate by using previous frames to output each sample. The output is of course not the same from the two methods. The filters functionality is exposed through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Auto Contrast

LMVAutoCont.DLL - ILMVAutoCont


The Auto Contrast filter performs color leveling at the luminance (grayscale) level, introducing no color cast. It makes the dark values darker and the light values lighter, which automatically enhances shadows and brightens the video stream. It also maximizes the tonal range of the image and enhances the contrast and intensity using the image's histogram and a color distribution-based algorithm.

Online Help

Video Auto Intensity

LMVAutoInt.DLL - ILMVAutoInt


The Auto Intensity filter performs color leveling on the RGB channel (the sum of the R, G, and B channels), introducing no color cast.
It makes the dark values darker and the light values lighter, which automatically enhances shadows and brightens the video stream. It also maximizes the tonal range of the image and enhances the contrast and intensity using the image's histogram and a color distribution-based algorithm.

Online Help

Video Auto Level

LMVAutoLvl.DLL - ILMVAutoLvl


The Auto Level filter performs color leveling on the individual R, G and B channels, treating each of the R, G and B channels as a separate entity, introducing no color cast.
It makes the dark values darker and the light values lighter, which automatically enhances shadows and brightens the video stream. It also maximizes the tonal range of the image and enhances the contrast and intensity using the image's histogram and a color distribution-based algorithm.

Online Help

Video Callback




The Video callback filter can be used to capture or change video data in a multimedia stream. For example, you can apply any of the LEADTOOLS Image processing filters on the frame, and then render the results.

Online Help

Video Color



The Color filter provides the ability to change some color attributes of the streaming video. The filter can change the video brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation, in addition to an invert colors option. The above changes can be applied to a selected area (rectangle) only by changing the "Effect Area" attributes in the property page or using SetCropAttributes from the programming interface.

Online Help

Video Color Replacement

LMVClrRp.DLL - LMVColorRep


The filter replaces a color with another color over the video stream. The filter uses the HSV color space.

Online Help

Video Crop


LMVCrop2.DLL - ILMVCrop, ILMVCropDisp


The Crop filter is used to extract areas from a source movie, a graphical representation is provided to show and modify the desired rectangle position and size. The cropped rectangle can be as small as 1x1. The filters functionality is exposed through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Deblocking

LMVDblck.DLL - ILMVDeblock


The deblocking filter is a DirectShow transform filter that performs deblocking on a video stream. The deblocking is applied to raw RGB data and is not related to a specific decoder output. The filter accepts block size and first block offset parameters to deblocking paths and the beginning of the blocked area. If the block size and first block offset do not match the blocks in the passed video sample, the filter is not expected to give satisfactory results. Two algorithms are currently offered to perform deblocking, 2-Lines and 4-Lines. The filter exposes its functionality through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Deinterlace


LMVDeitr2.DLL - ILMVDeinterlace, ILMVDeinterlaceDisp


The deinterlace filter converts interlaced video to make it a progressive scan video.
Analog, interlaced video is what devices like VCRs, laserdiscs, and game consoles output.

Online Help

Video Edge Enhance



The edge enhancer filter is a DirectShow transform filter that performs edge enhancement on a video stream. The filter exposes its functionality through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Emboss

LMVEmbs.DLL - ILMVEmboss, ILMVEmbossDisp


This filter offers embossing a video stream providing different parameters to control the effect. The effect can be applied to a selected area (rectangle) only by changing the "Effect Area" attributes in the property page or using SetCropAttributes from the programming interface.

Online Help

Video Frame Controller


LMVFramCtrl2.DLL - ILMVFramCtrl


The Frame Rate Control filter provides the ability to change the frame rate of the passing video stream.

Online Help

Video Dynamic Rate Control


LMVDynRateCtrl.DLL - ILMVDynRateCtrl



The Dynamic Rate Control filter provides the ability to change the playback rate of the passing video stream.

Online Help

Video Gamma Correction

LMVGamma.DLL - ILMVGamma


This filter performs gamma correction to a video stream. Possible gamma values are between 1 and 500.

Online Help

Video Histogram Equalize


LMVHstg2.DLL - ILMVHistogEq


This filter performs Histogram Equalization to a video stream. Equalization can be done for a single channel; Red, Green, or Blue, or for all channels; master.

Online Help

Video Histogram View



LMVHstg2.DLL - ILMVHistogVw


Histogram View filter draws the running histogram of a video stream in its property page. The filter also provides access to the histogram array through its programming interface. The histogram can be viewed for a single channel or for all channels.

Online Help

Video EFX Aging



The EFX aging filter gives a movie the look and feel of an old style movie (Color or B&W).

Online Help

Video EFX BumpMap



The EFX bump map filter embeds the texture of an image or frame into the movie frames.

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Video EFX Dizzy



The EFX dizzy filter rotates, zooms and blurs movie frames to create a dizziness-like effect.

Online Help

Video EFX Glass Tile

LMVMiscFX.DLL - ILMVGlassTile, ILMMCommon


The EFX glass tile filter will create a stained glass effect on each movie frame.

Online Help

Video EFX Lens



The EFX lens filter adds a fish eye-like effect to the movie.

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Video EFX Maze



The EFX maze filter distorts the movie into a crystal maze.

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Video EFX Rain



The EFX rain filter adds rain drops to the video.

Online Help

Video EFX Fire



The EFX fire filter draws flames around a moving object.

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Video EFX Ghost



The EFX ghost filter makes moving objects invisible.

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Video EFX Hologram

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVHologram, ILMMCommon


The EFX hologram filter draws a holographic-like shadow of a moving object.

Online Help

Video EFX Lightning

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVLightning, ILMMCommon


The EFX lightning filter draws lightning sparks around a moving object.

Online Help

Video EFX Motion Blur

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVMotionBlur, ILMMCommon


The EFX motion blur filter creates a motion blur effect for moving objects. It gives the appearance of a random glow around the motion.

Online Help

Video EFX Motion Emboss

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVMotionEmboss, ILMMCommon


The EFX motion emboss filter applies an Emboss effect to moving objects.

Online Help

Video EFX Motion Mosaic

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVMotionMosaic, ILMMCommon


The EFX motion mosaic filter applies a mosaic effect to moving objects.

Online Help

Video EFX Motion Scan

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVMotionScan, ILMMCommon


The EFX motion scan filter will scan one line per frame and draw it to the destination. This gives the effect of distorting the moving objects.

Online Help

Video EFX Particles

LMVMtnFX.DLL - ILMVParticles, ILMMCommon


The EFX particles filter distorts an object, when it moves, into small particles. It then joins the particles to reform the object when it stops moving.

Online Help

Video EFX Streak



The EFX streak filter shows moving objects as they are traced in slow motion.

Online Help

Video EFX Wave



The EFX wave filter makes waves around moving objects.

Online Help

Video Mosaic

LMVMosc.DLL - ILMVMosaic, ILMVMosaicDisp


Mosaic effect transforms any image into something that looks as though it were created by positioning a number of tiling elements, each of constant color and an approximate size. This filter applies the mosaic effect to a video stream with the ability to set the mosaic square size. The mosaic effect can be applied to a selected area (rectangle) only by changing the "Effect Area" attributes in the property page or using SetCropAttributes from the programming interface.

Online Help

Video Motion Detection


LMVMtnDet2.DLL - ILMVMtnDet, ILMVMtnDetUserCallback


The filter compares the current frame with the previous frame. Every time there is a difference between frames, the filter calls a user callback. You can programmatically find the rectangles where motion is detected.

Online Help

Color Space Converter

LMVYUVxf.DLL - none


The Color Space Converter filter can accept a variety of YUV and RGB formats and convert them to any YUV and RGB formats supported as input. Currently, neither a user interface is available nor a programming interface.

Online Help

RGB Converter



This is an RGB color space converter that supports conversion between different RGB formats. The filter supports the following formats: RGB1 (gray and palettized), RGB4 (gray and palettized), RGB8 (gray and palettized), RGB565, RGB555, RGB24, RGB32, LGRY12 and LGRY16. The input or output format can be set to AUTO, to enable free negotiation with the up or down stream filter. The filters functionality is exposed through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Rotation


LMVRot2.DLL - ILMVRotation


The Rotation filter enables rotating a video stream by the standard angles; 0, 90, 180, and 270 in addition to flip and reverse options. The filters functionality is exposed through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video Resize


LMVRsz2.DLL - ILMVResize


The Resize filter is used to change the dimensions of a source movie; the result is a new media, with new dimensions and size. The resize filter offers four types of resizing algorithms: Bresenham, Resample, Bicubic interpolation and Normal. The user interface, as will as the programming interface, friendly enable the selection of the filter parameters; Width, Height,  aspect ratio, etc. In addition to the ability to select any desired size through specifying the width and height, the user can select a ratio size (i.e. 2X, Normal, X/2, ...). The filter also supports outputting video with non-square pixels by specifying 4:3, 16:9 or other custom output aspect ratio. You can also correct video of incorrect input aspect ratio by overriding the input aspect ratio.

Online Help

Video Image Overlay




This is a DirectShow transform filter that enables overlaying images on a video stream.

Online Help

Video Overlay (evaluation)



This is a DirectShow transform filter that enables overlaying video and images on a video stream

Online Help

Video Text Overlay




This is a DirectShow transform filter that performs text overlaying on a video stream. It supports a wide range of text options from font and wrapping to rotation and transparency. The filter exposes its functionality through both user and programming interfaces.

Online Help

Video UnSharpMask


LMVUsMsk2.DLL - ILMVUshrpMsk


The unsharp mask filter is a DirectShow transform filter that performs a sharpening effect on a video stream. The filter exposes its functionality through both user and programming interfaces. The processing time of the filter is high, so the filter will be slow, and low frame rate is expected. All the functionality in the filters property page is available via the programming interface of the filter.

Online Help

Still Image Reader

LTStlImgRd2.DLL - ILTStlImgRd


This filter allows DirectShow applications (such as Windows Media Player) to read a variety of still image file formats, including:

  • Windows BMP

  • Compuserve GIF

  • TIFF

  • PNG

  • JPEG

  • JPEG 2000


  • LEAD CMW (Wavelet)

  • Targa TGA

  • PCX

Online Help

Still Image Writer

LTStlImgWrt2.DLL - ILTStlImgWrt


This filter allows any DirectShow application (such as Windows Media Player) to save the video stream to a variety of different still image file formats, including:

  • Windows BMP

  • Compuserve GIF

  • TIFF

  • PNG

  • JPEG

  • JPEG 2000


  • LEAD CMW (Wavelet)

  • Targa TGA

  • PCX

Online Help

Audio Filters






Online Help Files

Audio Callback



The Audio callback filter can be used to capture or change audio in a multimedia stream.

Online Help

Audio Chorus

LMAChrs.DLL - ILMAChorus, ILMAChorusDisp


The chorus filter can be used to add a chorus effect. The chorus effect makes one instrument sound like many instruments are being played. It adds some thickness to the sound.

Online Help

Audio Converter (evaluation)

LMAConv.DLL- ILMAConverter


The Audio Converter filter can be used to change the sampling rate of an audio stream (use this when you need to force the audio to have a certain sampling rate).

Online Help

Audio Detection


LMADet2.DLL - ILMADet, ILMADetUserCallback


The Audio Detection filter determines whether there is sound or not. The filter uses a silence threshold: every sound above this threshold is considered sound, everything below is considered silence.

Online Help

Audio Echo

LMAEcho.DLL - ILMAEcho, ILMAEchoDisp


The echo filter can be used to add an echo effect. The echo effect reflects a sound wave back to its source with sufficient strength and time lag to be separately distinguished.

Online Help

Audio Flanger

LMAFlng.DLL - ILMAFlanger, ILMAFlangerDisp


The flanger filter can be used to add a flange effect. Flanging has a characteristic sound often described as a "whooshing" sound, similar to the sound of a jet plane flying overhead.

Online Help

Audio Phaser

LMAPhase.DLL - ILMAPhaser, ILMAPhaserDisp


The phase filter can be used to add the distinctive phaser sound. This distinctive sound is obtained by creating one or more notches in the frequency domain that eliminate sounds at the notch frequencies. Notches are created by filtering the signal, and mixing the filter output with the input signal. The flanger, a specific type of phasing, also makes use of notches.

Online Help

Audio Volume



The Audio Volume filter allows the user to change the volume of sound samples.

Online Help

Audio VU Meter



The VU meter filter can be used to add a VU meter to an audio stream. The VU meter allows the user to retrieve left and right channel audio power levels. The filter can be used to monitor the output level of other filters placed before it in the stream.

Online Help

MPEG Audio Converter

LMAMpgCnv.DLL - None


This audio filter is needed to convert the audio mediatype coming from the Microsoft MPEG2 Demultiplexer/Splitter so it can be played by the MPEG Audio Converter. This filter is not needed if you use the LEAD MPEG2 Demultiplexers (Program or Transport) to play MPEG2 files.

Online Help

  Miscellaneous Filters






Online Help Files

ISO Multiplexer**



The LEAD ISO Multiplexer can be used to create files based on the ISO base file format described in ISO/IEC 14496-12. The ISO base file format should not be confused with the files used to store CD images or DVD images (which have the .ISO extension).

The LEAD ISO Multiplexer does not support every video and audio compression. The following compressions are supported:

  • MPEG-4 (MPEG-4 Part 2) video compression
  • H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10) video compression
  • AAC audio compression
  • (PCM) uncompressed audio

Online Help

Ogg Multiplexer




The Ogg Multiplexer can be used to create Ogg files. This filter will accept any media type (any audio or video compressor). Ogg is a new file format, made popular by Vorbis audio compression.

Online Help

MPEG-1 Multiplexer*

LMMpg1Mx2.DLL DSKernel2.DLL



The LEAD MPEG-1 Multiplexer filter can be used to create MPEG-1 files. This filter requires compression compatible with MPEG-1 Audio and MPEG-1 Video compression. We recommend using the LEAD MPEG Audio Encoder and LEAD MPEG2 Video Encoder in conjunction with this filter.

Online Help

MPEG-2 Multiplexer*

LMMpg2Mx2.DLL DSKernel2.DLL


The LEAD MPEG-2 Multiplexer can be used to create MPEG-2 Program files.

The following audio compressions are supported:

  • MPEG-1 Audio compression (Layer 2 or Layer 3)
  • AC3 Audio compression (preferred audio compression for DVD)
  • AAC Audio compression using ADTS headers.
  • LPCM Audio format (uncompressed audio used for DVD)

The following video compressions are supported:

  • MPEG-2 Video Compression
  • MPEG-4 Part 2 Video Compression
  • H.264 (AVC, MPEG-4 Part 10) Video Compression

There are two main reasons to create MPEG-2 Program files:

  1. To create MPEG-2 files for file interchange purposes. In this case, it is recommended to use the LEAD MPEG Audio Encoder and LEAD MPEG2 Video Encoder to compress the data.
  2. To create MPEG-2 files for creating a DVD out of them. In this case, we recommend you to use the LEAD AC3 Audio Encoder and LEAD MPEG2 Video Encoder to compress the data.

Online Help

MPEG-2 Transport Multiplexer



The LEAD MPEG-2 Transport Multiplexer can be used to create MPEG-2 Transport files.

The following audio compressions are supported:

  • MPEG-1 Audio compression (Layer 2 or Layer 3)
  • AC3 Audio compression (preferred audio compression for DVD)
  • AAC Audio compression using ADTS headers.
  • LPCM Audio format (uncompressed audio used for DVD)

The following video compressions are supported:

  • MPEG-2 Video Compression
  • MPEG-4 Part 2 Video Compression
  • H.264 (AVC/MPEG-4 Part 10) Video Compression

This filter also supports adding private data streams to the file (KLV or generic private data).

MPEG-2 Transport files are used mainly for streaming video. This type of video is used extensively in these types of applications:

  1. Video coming from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or other remote capture devices.
  2. Video streaming from satellite or HD cable channels.
  3. Many HD camcorders also store their video in MPEG-2 Transport format.

Online Help

MPEG2 Transport UDP Source

DSKernel2.DLL -IFileSourceFilter


The LEAD MPEG2 Transport UDP Source can be used to read data from a UDP or TCP/IP port.

The data is usually in MPEG-2 Transport format, as defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1.

The filter is also capable of receiving MPEG-2 Transport data packetized with RTP packets conforming to RFC 1889 and RFC 1890.

This filter supports the standard IFileSourceFilter interface. Use the IFileSourceFilter::Load method to let the LEAD MPEG2 Transport Source filter know where to read the data from.

Online Help

MPEG2 Transport UDP Sink

DSKernel2.DLL -


The LEAD MPEG2 Transport UDP Sink can be used to sending data to a UDP or TCP/IP port.

The data is usually in MPEG-2 Transport format, as defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1.

The filter supports the standard IFileSinkFilter interface. Use the IFileSinkFilter::SetFileName method to let the filter know where to send the data to.

Launch Help

Online Help

ISO Demultiplexer**

DSKernel2.DLL -


The LEAD ISO Demultiplexer can be used to play files based on the ISO base file format described in ISO/IEC 14496-12. The ISO base file format should not be confused with the files used to store CD images or DVD images (which have the .ISO extension).

The following common file formats use the ISO base file format:

  • MP4 files used by Apple iPOD or Playstation Portable device (.MP4 extension)
  • Quicktime files (.MOV extension)
  • AAC audio files (.AAC extension)
  • 3GPP files used by 3G mobile phones (.3GP extension)
  • AVC files (.AVC extension)

The ISO demultiplexer can be used to parse the above file formats.

Online Help

Ogg Splitter

DSKernel2.DLL -


The Ogg Splitter can be used to play Ogg files. Ogg is a new file format, made popular by Vorbis audio compression.

Online Help

DVD Writer**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This is used to create DVD images, which can be later burned to a DVD disk using the DVD Burner filter. This filter requires the LEAD MPEG-2 Multiplexer filter.
It is included in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module.

Online Help

DVD Burner**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This is used to burn DVD and ISO images to a DVD disk. It is included in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module.

Online Help

Network Connection Manager




This is used to implement the low level network connection protocols. This filter is used internally by the LEAD Network Sink Filter and the LEAD Network Source Filter for the TCP/IP connections.
It is included in the Video Streaming Module.

Online Help

Network Multiplexer Filter**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This is used to multiplex video and audio together using the LEAD streaming format. It is used together with the LEAD Network Sink in applications that send video over TCP/IP. You need to use video and audio compressors for efficient streaming. This filter will not do any compression.

It is included in the Video Streaming Module.

Online Help

Network Sink Filter**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This is used to send data multiplexed with the LEAD Network Multiplexer. It is used together with the LEAD Network Multiplexer in applications that send video over TCP/IP.

It is included in the Video Streaming Module.

Online Help

Network Source Filter**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This filter connects to the LEAD Network Sink filter and receives multiplexed data over TCP/IP connections. This filter is used with the LEAD Network Demultiplexer in client demos shipped with the Video Streaming Module.

It is included in the Video Streaming Module.

Online Help

Network Demultiplexer Filter**

DSKernel2.DLL -


This filter will demultiplex (split) data in the LEAD streaming format. This filter is used with the LEAD Network Source in client demos shipped with the Video Streaming Module. It can also be used to create LEADTOOLS Streaming Files. Note: This filter will not do any decompression. You need video and audio decoders to play compressed streams.

It is included in the Video Streaming Module.  

Online Help

Screen Capture Filter

DSKernel2.DLL -


Used for capturing video from the screen. Normally, the video is compressed using the LEAD Screen Capture Encoder.

Online Help

* Included in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module once you sign the license agreement.

** Included in the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module once you sign the license agreement.

*** Included in the LEADTOOLS DVD Module or the LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module once you sign the license agreement.

**** Included in the LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging with Medical Multimedia Module once you sign the license agreement.