LEADTOOLS Documentation

LEADTOOLS is committed to fully documenting its products. Please feel free to contact us with any errors or omissions.

Microsoft HTML Help 1.0

Microsoft HTML Help 1.0 (.chm) files for C DLL, C++ Class Library, and Multimedia COM platforms are installed with your product. Help files are found on the installation path in the \Help\ subdirectory (for example, <InstallDir>\Help).

Microsoft HTML Help 2.0

Microsoft HTML Help 2.0 (.hxs) files for the .NET platform are installed with your product. Help files are found on the installation path in the \Help\Dotnet subdirectory (for example, <InstallDir>\Help\Dotnet). To obtain HTML Help 2.0 (.hxs) files for the C DLL and C++ Class Library, contact Technical Support.


WebHelp that contain the most-current version of LEADTOOLS documentation is available online at:

For more information:

Specific help references for each LEADTOOLS component and platform are listed in the Getting Started tables, in the Getting Started tables,  under the topical headings below located in the LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK Getting Started help file

See Also:

Sample Programs

LEADTOOLS Support Forums

Technical Support