ltmmProcessor_Type Constants

Const ltmmProcessorType_Internal_Video = 0
Const ltmmProcessorType_Internal_Audio = 1
Const ltmmProcessorType_External_Audio = 2
Const ltmmProcessorType_External_Video = 3
Const ltmmProcessorType_LEAD_Video = 4
Const ltmmProcessorType_LEAD_Audio = 5

The ltmmProcessor_Type Constants indicate the type of the audio or video processors used by the toolkit.




[0] Internal video processor. Internal processors are built-in processors that are managed by the toolkit internally. However, the toolkit currently uses no internal processors.


[1] Internal audio processor. Internal processors are built-in processors that are managed by the toolkit internally. However, the toolkit currently uses no internal processors.


[2] External audio processor. External audio processors are all processing filters not registered in LEAD’s audio processors category, “LTMM Audio Processors”. Examples of external audio processors are the DMO Audio Effects.


[3] External video processor. External video processors are all processing filters not registered in LEAD’s video processors category, “LTMM Video Processors”. Examples of external video processors are the DMO Video Effects.


[4] LEAD video processor. LEAD video processors are all processing filters registered in LEAD’s video processors category, “LTMM Video Processors”, even if they are not made by LEAD. To register some video processing filter into “LTMM Video Processors”, use the “Multimedia Filter Manager” utility.


[5] LEAD audio processor. LEAD audio processors are all processing filters registered in LEAD’s audio processors category, “LTMM Audio Processors”, even if they are not made by LEAD. To register some audio processing filter into “LTMM Audio Processors”, use the “Multimedia Filter Manager” utility.


These constants are used by the ltmmProcessor.Type property.