ILMH264Decoder Interface

ILMH264Decoder Interface is the interface for LEAD H264 Decoder .




Property Name


Long DecodingOptions     

Accepts one or all values from eH264DecodingFlag.


  • Enables the decoder to play corrupted streams. The decoder will run slower in this mode.


  • Enables the decoder to display the corrupted data as a gray region. Otherwise a random area from previous frames could be displayed. 


  • Enables the decoder to replace a missing frame from a previous frame in the stream.  This option may provide jerky playback, and is not recommended



Name Parameters Description
WriteToRegistry None This method writes all of the encoder settings to the system registry. The next time the decoder is loaded, it retrieves the settings from the registry and applies them.


 These are the possible values for H264 decoding flags. These flags can be set in the SymbolMode property.

typedef enum
   H264DecodingFlag_DecodeCorruptedStream = 0x00000001,
   H264DecodingFlag_FillFrameGaps         = 0x00000002,
   H264DecodingFlag_DisplayGrayOnError    = 0x00000004

} eH264DecodingFlag;