Available in LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging toolkits. |
Overview of the Vector Structures
A vector image (or drawing) is referenced in LEADTOOLS by a VECTORHANDLE structure. This VECTORHANDLE structure is maintained internally. For a description of the entire structure, refer to the LVKRN.H header file.
Within the VECTORHANDLE that references the vector image there are one or more vector layers. LEADTOOLS provides the LVectorLayer class for maintaining and manipulating vector layers. Information about vector layers can be obtained or set using a VECTORLAYERDESC structure. LEADTOOLS provides several functions for working with vector layers. For more information, refer to Working with Vector Layers.
Each vector layer may contain 0 or more vector objects. LEADTOOLS provides a number of classes for manipulating vector objects.
These classes, and their respective objects/structures are given below:
Class |
respective objects/structures |
There is certain information that is common to all vector objects. This is contained in the Object member (type VECTOROBJECT) of each object's respective structure. Information specific to certain types of vector objects is included in that object's specific structure. For example, a VECTORRECTANGLE structure contains information about the pen and brush used to draw the rectangle, as well as an array of points that define the rectangle.
LEADTOOLS provides numerous functions for creating and manipulating vector objects. In addition, functions are provided for obtaining information about vector objects. For more information, refer to Working with Vector Objects.
When displaying vector objects, the user can modify the way the objects are displayed by setting anti-aliasing options, setting text rendering characteristics, providing a tool tip, or other display options. LEADTOOLS provides the following structures to help in modifying the display:
A vector object may be hyperlinked with one or more targets, allowing the user to run a program, access a Web page, open a document, or focus the toolkit to a specific vector object. LEADTOOLS provides the following structures for working with hyperlinked vector objects: