LEADTOOLS Raster Pro, Document, and Medical Imaging Toolkit Features

Raster Imaging Pro SDK

LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro provides win32 and x64 support for adding the capability to display, load, save, convert or process images to any application. The toolkit supports Color Conversion, Display, and Compression (JPEG, JPEG 2000 [read], TIFF, CCITT G4 and LEAD's proprietary CMP, CMW, and ABC). Developers get support for all of the technologies found in the LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Engine, including Image Processing (Transforms, Filters, Drawing, Region of Interest), TWAIN Scanning (32-bit), Color Conversion, Display, Special Effects, (choose from more than 2000 effects), Compression, Image Format support (150+), Printing, Internet/intranet imaging, Database imaging, Imaging Common Dialogs, and Screen Capture.

In addition, LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro offers the ability to directly call exported DLL functions, create extremely small footprint applications, obtain low-level access to pixel data, create custom image processing filters, exert full control over load/process/save with callbacks, share images (without copying) via DIBs/DDBs, exert full control over all display options, and support the extended FlashPix file format capabilities.

Key Features:

Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits

Building on LEADTOOLS core Raster Imaging functions, the LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite, LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite are the most comprehensive imaging toolkits on the market. No other toolkit provides as many imaging features for color, gray-scale and black & white images in one development package, and for one price. These toolkits comprise LEAD's best code and are designed for the programmer who is looking for the fastest performance, and/or the most extensive color, document, and medical imaging capabilities available.

These toolkits contain powerful annotation capabilities, optimized document image processing filters, and high performance compression, decompression and viewing of ABIC, CMW wavelet, JBIG/JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG 2000 (read/write), LEAD CMP, LEAD ABC (bitonal), and CCITT G3/G4 file formats. The annotation capabilities enable the programmer to add text, highlights, sticky notes, audio, ellipses, buttons, lines, arrows, rectangles, polygons, redaction (blackout), hotspots, freehand scribble, pointers, bitmap and text stamps, to black & white and color images. Programmers working with document imaging will also find special processing filters such as despeckle, deskew, favor black, and scale to gray to enhance their black and white 1 bit images. Additionally, you can achieve faster rotation in 90-degree increments by applying a rotated view perspective to the bitmap. These LEADTOOLS toolkits offer the fastest software-only JPEG decoder Also known as a decompressor, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data. available.

[Document/Medical] is used  throughout the help files to designate the features that are available in LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite, LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite. Those features that are available only in the Medical toolkits are indicated by (Medical). Features available only in the LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite toolkit are indicated by (Medical Suite).

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDK

The LEADTOOLS Document Imaging toolkit contains all the features available in the LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro. In addition, it contains the following capabilities:

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite

The LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite toolkit builds on the capabilities of LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, adding key OCR and JBIG features:.

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging support for medical imaging technologies (1-16, 24-, and 32-bit color, 1-16 bit grayscale and window leveling of 12- and 16-bit grayscale images) and the DICOM file format to all the capabilities of the LEADTOOLS Raster Pro SDK and Document Imaging Suite:

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite includes all the capabilities of LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging, and adds:

For more information, refer to:

Getting Started with Leadtools

Document/Medical Edition Support and Licensing Requirements

Unlocking Special LEAD Features

See Also:

LEADTOOLS Documentation

LEADTOOLS Support Forums

Sample Programs

Microsoft Code Snippet Picker


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