Available in LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Vector, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
Implementing Vector Automation
1. |
Start Visual C++ 2005 |
2. |
Select the File->New menu option, click the "projects" tab. |
3. |
From "Project Types" click on Visual C++ to expand it, then select MFC. From the right window select MFC Application. |
4. |
In the Project Name dialog box, enter "VecAut". |
5. |
In the Location dialog box, use the examples\ClassLibrary\MSVC directory of your LEAD installation. For example, if you installed LEADTOOLS in c:\ltwin17x, enter c:\ltwin17x\examples\classlibrary\MSVC\ Click OK. Then click "Next" |
6. |
Choose Single Document and click "Finish", and then OK. |
7. |
Click on the "Solution Explorer" tab, and then click on the VecAut project to expand it. Click on the Header files, then Open VecAut.h. |
8. |
Add the following line immediately before the class CVecAutApp declaration, (keep in mind, you may have to change the path to where the header files reside): |
#include "..\..\..\..\..\include\ClassLib\ltwrappr.h"
9. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
10. |
Click to open the" VecAut Classes" branch. |
11. |
Click "CVecAutApp", and then double click the CVecAutApp() constructor. |
12. |
Add the following lines after //TODO: add construction code here: |
LSettings::UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_VECTOR, (L_TCHAR*)L_KEY_VECTOR);
13 |
Create a new file called Imports.cpp in place it beside your project files. |
a. |
n the Project Workspace, click the Solution Explorer tab. |
b. |
Double-click the VecAut folder to open it. |
c. |
Right-click the Source files folder and select Add ŕ New item. |
d. |
Right-click on the Source file |
e. |
Expand Visual C++ tree, if it is not already expanded. |
f. |
Select Code from the sub tree. |
g. |
Select C++ File (.cpp) from the right window. |
h. |
In the name text box, specify Imports. |
i. |
Click the OK button. |
j. |
Double-click the imports.cpp in the solution Explorer and add the following lines: |
#include "StdAfx.h"
#if defined(WIN64)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Lib\\CDLL\\x64\\Ltwvc_x.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Lib\\CDLL\\Win32\\Ltwvc_u.lib")
#endif // #if defined(WIN64)
14. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
15. |
Right click "CVecAutDoc" and select Add ŕ "Add Variable..." |
16. |
For Variable Type enter LVectorWindow, and for Variable Declaration put m_VectorWindow. Leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
17. |
Right click "CVecAutDoc" and select Add ŕ "Add Variable..." |
18. |
For Variable Type enter LContainer, and for Variable Declaration put m_Container. Leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
19. |
Right click "CVecAutApp" and select Add ŕ "Add Variable..." |
20. |
For Variable Type enter LAutomation, and for Variable Declaration put m_Automation. Leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
21. |
Right click "CVecAutApp" and select Add ŕ "Add Variable..." |
22. |
For Variable Type enter LToolbar, and for Variable Declaration put m_Toolbar. Leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
23. |
Click to open the CMainFrame branch. Double click the CMainFrame() constructor and add code so that the constructor looks like the following: |
theApp.m_Automation.Initialize ();
theApp.m_Automation.Create (AUTOMATION_MODE_VECTOR);
theApp.m_Toolbar.Initialize ();
24. |
Double click the CMainFrame::OnCreate() member function, and add the following code immediately after the first opening bracket {: |
theApp.m_Toolbar.Create (m_hWnd, (L_TCHAR*)TEXT("Vector"), TOOLBAR_VECTOR);
theApp.m_Toolbar.SetRows (8);
RECT rcClient;
pt.x = rcClient.left;
pt.y = rcClient.top;
theApp.m_Toolbar.SetPosition (
theApp.m_Automation.SetToolbar (&theApp.m_Toolbar);
25. |
Right click the CMainFrame branch, and choose "Properties". |
26. |
From the "Properties" window toolbar, click on the Message icon. Then click on the empty area beside the item "WM_DESTROY" and choose OnDestroy. |
27. |
Add the following code after the opening bracket {: |
CVecAutDoc* pDoc = (CVecAutDoc*)GetActiveDocument( );
theApp.m_Automation.RemoveContainer (&pDoc->m_Container);
if (theApp.m_Automation.IsValid ())
theApp.m_Toolbar.Free ();
theApp.m_Automation.Free ();
28. |
Right click the CVecAutView class, and choose "Properties". |
29. |
From the "Properties" window toolbar, click on the Message icon. Then click on the empty area beside the item "WM_CREATE" and choose OnCreate. |
30. |
Add the following code to replace the //TODO: ... |
GetDocument()-> m_VectorWindow.SetBackgroundColor (m_hWnd);
GetDocument()->m_Container.Initialize ();
theApp.m_Automation.AddContainer (
theApp.m_Automation.SetActiveContainer (&GetDocument()->m_Container);
31. |
Right click the CVecAutView class, and choose "Properties". |
From the "Properties" window toolbar, click on the Message icon. Then click on the empty area beside the item "WM_SIZE" and choose OnSize. |
32. |
Add the following code to replace the // TODO: ... |
RECT Rect;
SetRect( &Rect, 0, 0, cx, cy );
ContainerMetrics.nSize = sizeof( CONTAINERMETRICS );
ContainerMetrics.dwMask = CMF_LIMITS;
CopyRect( &ContainerMetrics.rcLimits, &Rect );
GetDocument()->m_Container.SetMetrics (&ContainerMetrics);
33. |
Click on CVecAutDoc tree view branch, and double click the CVecAutDoc() constructor. Add the line: |
m_VectorWindow.SetBackgroundColor (RGB(255,255,255));
34. |
Double click the CVecAutDoc branch to open VecAutDoc.h. Add the following include immediately before the class declaration: |
#include "c:\program files\lead technologies\leadtools 17\include\classlib\ltwrappr.h"
35. |
Open MainFrm.cpp and add the following lines after #include "MainFrm.h": |
#include "VecAut.h"
#include "VecAutDoc.h"
extern CVecAutApp theApp;
36. |
Open VecAutView.cpp and add the following lines after #include "VecAutView.h": |
#include "VecAut.h"
extern CVecAutApp theApp;
37. |
Click on the "Resource View" tab of the project workspace and click to open the "VecAut resources" branch, and then click to open the "Menu" branch. |
38. |
Double-click IDR_MAINFRAME. |
39. |
Click "View" and add a menu item called "Vector Toolbar". |
40. |
Right click on the newly created item and choose "Add Event handler…" |
41. |
From the "Class name" drop down box elect "CVecAutApp". |
42. |
From the "Messages" list box select "COMMAND" and click "Add and Edit..." |
Code the function as follows: |
void CVecAutApp::OnViewVectortoolbar()
L_BOOL bVisible;
bVisible = m_Toolbar.IsVisible ();
m_Toolbar. m_Toolbar.SetVisible (!bVisible);
43. |
Right click on the "Vector Toolbar" item again and choose "Add Event handler…" |
44. |
From the "Class name" drop down box elect "CVecAutApp". |
45. |
From the "Messages" list box select "UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" and click "Add and Edit…" |
46. |
Click "Edit Code", and Add code to the two newly created member functions as follows: |
void CVecAutApp::OnUpdateViewVectortoolbar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
pCmdUI->SetCheck(m_Toolbar.IsVisible ());
47. |
Modify CVecAutDoc::OnNewDocument() to create a new vector with an empty vector layer. The function should look like this. |
BOOL CVecAutDoc::OnNewDocument()
if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
return FALSE;
//Empty the vector of all objects and layers
m_VectorWindow.Empty ();
//Create an empty vector layer
VectorLayerDesc.nSize = sizeof(VECTORLAYERDESC);
lstrcpy(VectorLayerDesc.szName, TEXT("First Layer"));
VectorLayerDesc.bVisible= TRUE;
VectorLayerDesc.bLocked = FALSE;
VectorLayerDesc.dwTag = 0;
LVectorLayer MyLayer(&VectorLayerDesc);
m_VectorWindow.AddLayer (&MyLayer);
m_VectorWindow.SetActiveLayer (&MyLayer);
m_VectorWindow.EnableAutoScroll (TRUE);
min.x = min.y = min.z = max.z = 0.0;
max.x = max.y = 100.0;
m_VectorWindow.SetParallelogram (&min,&max);
m_VectorWindow.Reset ();
return TRUE;
48. |
Compile and run the project by selecting Build->Execute VecAut.exe from the menu. Choose "View->Vector Toolbar" from the menu and begin drawing with the vector tools. |