Available in LEADTOOLS Barcode Modules.
#include "ltbar.h"
L_LTBAR_API L_INT L_BarCodeVersionInfo(pBarCodeVersion, uStructSize)
pBARCODEVERSION pBarCodeVersion; |
/* pointer to a BARCODEVERSION structure */ |
L_UINT uStructSize; |
/* structure size */ |
Loads LEADTOOLS Barcode product information into a structure.
Parameter |
Description |
pBarCodeVersion |
Pointer to the BARCODEVERSION structure to be updated with the barcode version information. |
uStructSize |
Sizeof of BARCODEVERSION structure in bytes. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value. |
The function was successful. |
< 1 |
An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
To use this function, declare a BARCODEVERSION variable and pass its address as the parameter of this function. The function updates the fields in the structure. For field descriptions, refer to the BARCODEVERSION structure.
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTBAR For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application |
Win32, x64, Mobile
See Also
Functions: |
L_BarCodeRead, L_BarCodeFree, L_BarCodeIsDuplicated, L_BarCodeGetDuplicated, L_BarCodeGetNextDuplicated, L_BarCodeGetFirstDuplicated, L_BarCodeWrite |
Topics: |
For complete sample code refer to MFCBar32 demo.
L_INT BarCodeVersionInfoExample(HWND hWnd) { L_INT nRet; BARCODEVERSION BarVerInfo; /* LEAD BARCODE Version Information structure. */ L_TCHAR szBuffer[1024]; /* Buffer to hold information for display. */ /* Get the version information */ nRet = L_BarCodeVersionInfo(&BarVerInfo, sizeof(BARCODEVERSION)); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; /* Format the message string with data from the BARCODEVERSION structure */ wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("LEAD Product: %hs\n\nVersion %d.%d\n\nDate: %hs\n\nTime: %hs"), (L_TCHAR *)BarVerInfo.Product, BarVerInfo.MajorNumber, BarVerInfo.MinorNumber, (L_TCHAR *)BarVerInfo.Date, (L_TCHAR *)BarVerInfo.Time); /* Display the message string */ MessageBox(hWnd, szBuffer, TEXT("BARCODE API Version Information"), MB_OK ); return SUCCESS; }