LEADTOOLS Common Dialog COM Object Help
    Installation and System Files
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
    Redistributables/Files to be Included With Your Application
    Quick Reference
    Examples and Tutorials
       Demo Programs
       Visual Basic
       Visual C++ 5.0 and Later
          Tutorial for Visual C++ 5.0 Programmers
          Visual C++ 5.0 Miscellaneous Examples
             Miscellaneous Examples (Visual C++ 4.0)
             DlgFont Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             FileFormatsCount Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             FileLoad Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             FreeDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             InitDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             JBIG2GBATX1 Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             OptionsFileType Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             SaveQFactor Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAddBitmapsDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAddBorderDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAddFrameDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAddNoiseDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAutoTrimDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowAverageDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowBorderRemoveDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowBrightnessDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowColorDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowColorResDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowContourFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowContrastDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowCustomizePaletteDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowDilationFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowDirectoryDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowDotRemoveDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowEdgeDetectorDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowEffectDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowEmbossDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowErosionFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowFileConversionDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowFilesAssociationDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowGammaAdjustmentDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowGIFWebTunerDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowGradientDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowGradientFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowGrayScaleDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHalftoneDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHistoContrastDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHistogramDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHolePunchRemoveDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHTMLMapperDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowHueDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowIntensityDetectDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowInvertTextDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowJPEGWebTunerDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowLaplacianFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowLineRemoveDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowLineSegmentFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowMaxFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowMedianDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowMinFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowMosaicDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowMotionBlurDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowOilifyDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowOpenDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPicturizeDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPNGWebTunerDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPosterizeDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPrewittFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPrintPreviewDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowPrintStitchedImagesDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowRemapHueDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowRemapIntensityDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowResizeDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowRotateDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSaturationDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSaveDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSharpenDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowShearDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowShiftDifferenceFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSmoothDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSobelFilterDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowSolarizeDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowStitchDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowTextDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowTransitionDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowUnderlayDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowUnsharpMaskDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             ShowWindowLevelDlg Example for C++ 5.0 and later
             TypeIndex Example for C++ 5.0 and later
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    Syntax and Key Codes