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LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: Jbig2 Specific Options
See Also

Provides additional options for the LEAD Jbig2 Bitmap Encoder.

Property Bag Items

LEAD Jbig2 Encoder Options
Property Name VARTYPE Default Value Applicable LEAD Encoders Description
Jb2_ImageFlags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsNone Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2ImageFlags
Jb2_ImageTemplateType VT_UI1 3 Jbig2 Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a non-text area. Possible values are: 

0: Three lines with a 16-pixel template.
1: Three lines with a 13-pixel template.
2: Three lines with a 10-pixel template.
3: Two lines with a 10-pixel template.
Jb2_ImageGBATX1 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY1 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1

Jb2_ImageGBATY1 VT_I1 -3 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX2 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY2 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY2 VT_I1 0 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the values of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY3 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY4 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY4 VT_I1 0 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageQFactor VT_UI4 0 Jbig2

Value that represents the degree of loss in the compression process for a non-text area. The value of 0 means lossless while any other value means lossy. 0 is the default value. Valid values range from 0 - 50.

Jb2_TextFlags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2TextFlagKeepAllSymbols Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2TextFlags
Jb2_TextTemplateType VT_UI1 0 Jbig2 Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a text area. Possible values are:  

0: Three lines with a 16-pixel template.
1: Three lines with a 13-pixel template.
2: Three lines with a 10-pixel template.
3: Two lines with a 10-pixel template.
Jb2_TextGBATX1 VT_I1 3 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY1 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to 1

Jb2_TextGBATY1 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX2 VT_I1 -3 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member TextGBATY2 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to 1.

Jb2_TextGBATY2 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX3 VT_I1 2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY3 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to -1.

Jb2_TextGBATY3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY4 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to -1.

Jb2_TextGBATY4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextMinSymArea VT_UI4 50 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol area, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMinSymWidth VT_UI4 1 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol width, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMinSymHeight VT_UI4 1 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol height, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymArea VT_UI4 2000 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol area, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymWidth VT_UI4 200 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol width, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymHeight VT_UI4 200 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol height, in pixels.
Jb2_TextDifThreshold VT_UI4 30 Jbig2 Maximum difference allowed mapping a text symbol to a dictionary symbol, in percent.
Jb2_TextQFactor VT_UI4 0 Jbig2 Degree of the loss in the compression process for a text area. The value of 0 means lossless while any other value means lossy. 0 is the default value. Valid values range from 0 - 50.
Jb2_XResolution VT_UI4 150 Jbig2 Horizontal resolution to be used, in dots per inch.
Jb2_YResolution VT_UI4 150 Jbig2 Vertical resolution to be used, in dots per inch.
Jb2_Flags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2FlagEnableDictionary Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2Flags


The Jb2_ImageTemplateType is a value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a non-text area. Possible values are:

Value Meaning Template


Three lines with a 16-pixel template.


Three lines with a 13-pixel template.


Three lines with a 10-pixel template.


Two lines with a 10-pixel template.

The Jb2_TextTemplateType is a Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a text area. Possible values are:

Value Meaning Template


Three lines with a 16-pixel template.


Three lines with a 13-pixel template.


Three lines with a 10-pixel template.


Two lines with a 10-pixel template.

See Also


// This example shows how to save a JBIG2 file with options using the property bag
// Then the file is saved with the following options:
// * Jb2_ImageFlags: WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction
// * Jb2_TextFlags: WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols
// * Jb2_Flags: WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker
// Refer to the Example Requirements for help in running this sample
HRESULT IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag_Jb2(HWND hWnd, WCHAR *pszOut)
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
   IWICImagingFactory *piImagingFactory = NULL;
   IWICBitmapEncoder *piBitmapEncoder = NULL;
   IWICBitmapFrameEncode *piBitmapFrameEncode = NULL;
   IWICStream *piStream = NULL;
   IPropertyBag2 *piPropertyBag = NULL;
   CString csExampleName;
   GUID guidContainerFormat = GUID_ContainerFormatLeadJbig2;
   WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;

   csExampleName.Format(L"IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag_Jb2\nThis example creates a Jpeg2000 file (%s) with Jb2_ImageFlags: WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction, Jb2_TextFlags: WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols, Jb2_Flags: WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker", pszOut);

   // Create a LEAD Jpeg Bitmap Encoder
   IFS(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWICImagingFactory, (LPVOID*) &piImagingFactory));

   IFS(piStream->InitializeFromFilename(pszOut, GENERIC_WRITE));
   IFS(piImagingFactory->CreateEncoder(guidContainerFormat, NULL, &piBitmapEncoder));
   IFS(piBitmapEncoder->Initialize(piStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache));
   IFS(piBitmapEncoder->CreateNewFrame(&piBitmapFrameEncode, &piPropertyBag));

   // This is how you customize the a LEAD WIC Encoder property bag.
      ULONG uCount = 0;
      hr = piPropertyBag->CountProperties(&uCount);
      PROPBAG2 *pBag = new PROPBAG2[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pBag, sizeof(*pBag));

      VARIANT *pValue = new VARIANT[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pValue, sizeof(*pValue));

      HRESULT *pErrors = new HRESULT[uCount];
      ZeroMemory(pErrors, sizeof(*pErrors));

      IFS(piPropertyBag->GetPropertyInfo(0, uCount, pBag, &uCount));
      IFS(piPropertyBag->Read(uCount, pBag, NULL, pValue, pErrors));
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
         for (ULONG u = 0; u < uCount; u++)
            if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_ImageFlags")== 0)
               pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction;
               piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);
            else if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_TextFlags")== 0)
               pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols;
               piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);

            else if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_Flags")== 0)
               pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker;
               piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);


   // Now create the image data that we will write
   UINT uiWidth = 256;
   UINT uiHeight = 256;
   IFS(piBitmapFrameEncode->SetSize(uiWidth, uiHeight));
   WICPixelFormatGUID formatGUID = GUID_WICPixelFormatBlackWhite;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // We're expecting to write out 1-bit data. Fail if the encoder cannot do it.
      hr = IsEqualGUID(formatGUID, GUID_WICPixelFormatBlackWhite) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      UINT cbStride = (uiWidth * 1 + 7)/8;
      UINT cbBufferSize = uiHeight * cbStride;
      BYTE *pbBuffer = new BYTE[cbBufferSize];

      if (pbBuffer != NULL)
         for (UINT i = 0; i < cbBufferSize; i++)
            pbBuffer[i] = static_cast<BYTE>(rand());
         hr = piBitmapFrameEncode->WritePixels(uiHeight, cbStride, cbBufferSize, pbBuffer);
         delete[] pbBuffer;
         hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

   // Commit the changes to the stream


   MessageBox(hWnd, csExampleName, csExampleName, MB_OK);
   return hr;