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The following table provides default information about the Command Elements contained in the C-STORE-RESPONSE Command Set.

In the column headings the following abbreviations apply:

VR = Value Representation

VM = Value Multiplicity

In the Usage column the following abbreviations apply:

U = Use is a service-user option

C = Conditional

M = Mandatory

For more information about Value Representations, refer to Default Value Representation Table.

To see a list of the default Tag values for the Command Sets Data Elements, refer to Data Element Tag Values for the Command Sets.

Tag Name VR VM Usage
0x00000002 Affected SOP Class UID UI 1 U
0x00000100 Command Field US 1 0x8001
0x00000120 Message ID Being Responded To US 1 M
0x00000800 Data Set Type US 1 0x0101
0x00000900 Status US 1 M
0x00001000 Affected SOP Instance UID UI 1 U