Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
LEADTOOLS provides the following annotation object classes:
- AnnAudioObject Defines an audio annotation object.
- AnnButtonObject - Defines a WPF Annotation push button object.
- AnnClosedCurveObject - Defines a WPF Annotation closed curve object.
- AnnContainer - Represents a WPF Annotation container.
- AnnCrossProductObject - Defines an annotation cross-product object.
- AnnCurveObject - Defines a WPF Annotation curve object.
- AnnEllipseObject - Defines a WPF Annotation ellipse object.
- AnnEncryptObject - Defines an annotation encrypt object.
- AnnFreehandHotspotObject - Defines a WPF Annotation freehand hotspot object.
- AnnGroupObject - Defines a WPF Annotation group object which contains a group of annotation objects.
- AnnHiliteObject - Defines a WPF Annotation highlight object.
- AnnHotspotObject - Defines a WPF Annotation hot-spot object.
- AnnImageObject - Defines a WPF Annotation image object.
- AnnLineObject - Defines a WPF Annotation line object.
- AnnNoteObject - Defines a WPF Annotation note object.
- AnnObject - The base class from which all other Annotation objects derive.
- AnnPointObject - Defines a WPF Annotation point object.
- AnnPointerObject - Defines a WPF Annotation pointer object.
- AnnPolygonObject - Defines a WPF Annotation polygon object.
- AnnPolylineObject - Defines a WPF Annotation polyline object.
- AnnPolyRulerObject - Defines an annotation polyruler object.
- AnnProtractorObject Defines an annotation protractor object.
- AnnRectangleObject - Defines a WPF Annotation rectangle object.
- AnnRedactionObject - Defines a WPF Annotation redaction object.
- AnnRubberStampObject - Defines a WPF Annotation rubber stamp object.
- AnnRulerObject Defines an annotation ruler object.
- AnnStampObject - Defines a WPF Annotation stamp object.
- AnnTextObject - Defines a WPF Annotation text object.
- AnnTextPointerObject - Defines a WPF Annotation text pointer object.
- AnnTextRollupObject - Defines a WPF Annotation text rollup object.