LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
AnnContainer Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace : AnnContainer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnContainer.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. AnnContainer ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the AnnContainer class.  

Public Properties

public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. BoundsGets or sets the rectangle that represents the bounds of the AnnContainer.  
public Property DrawLockedInRunModeGets or sets a value indicating whether to draw locked objects with the lock symbol when the container is in the run mode.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. EnableSnapToGridGets or sets a value to determine whether snapping to grid is enabled for this AnnContainer.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. InvalidRectangleGets the rectangle that represents the area that should be invalidated whenever the viewer is asked to repaint its AnnContainer object.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. LockPictureGets or sets the AnnPicture used when drawing the locked symbol for locked objects.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. NameGets or sets the name of the AnnContainer.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. ObjectsGets the collection of objects in this AnnContainer.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. SnapToGridOptionsGets or sets the snap to grid options for this AnnContainer.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. TransformGets or sets the transform Matrix of AnnContainer.  
public PropertyIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. UnitConverterGets or sets the AnnUnitConverter that will be used in the AnnContainer object.  
public Property UserModeGets or sets the current annotation user mode.  
public Property VisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnContainer is visible.  

Public Methods

public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. CloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnContainer object.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. DisableDrawObjectEventsStops this AnnContainer from raising the AnnContainer.BeforeDrawingObjects and AnnContainer.AfterDrawingObjects events.  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by this object.  
public Method DrawOverloaded. Draws the container on the specified surface.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. EnableDrawObjectEventsEnables this AnnContainer from raising the AnnContainer.BeforeDrawingObjects and AnnContainer.AfterDrawingObjects events.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. HitTestRetrieves the object at the specified coordinates.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. PopFixedStateRe-enables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. PushFixedStateTemporarily disables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer.  
public MethodIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. ToStringOverridden. Converts the attributes of this AnnContainer to a human-readable string.  

Protected Methods

Public Events

public EventIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. AfterDrawingObjectsOccurs during drawing after the objects are drawn.  
public EventIncludes members available in LEADTOOLS Document or Medical Imaging toolkits. BeforeDrawingObjectsOccurs during drawing before the objects are drawn.  

See Also

Leadtools.Annotations requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features