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YuvParameters Property
See Also 
Leadtools.ColorConversion Namespace > ConversionParameters Class : YuvParameters Property

Gets or sets the YUV conversion properties.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property YuvParameters As ConversionYuvParameters
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ConversionParameters
Dim value As ConversionYuvParameters
instance.YuvParameters = value
value = instance.YuvParameters
public ConversionYuvParameters YuvParameters {get; set;}
property ConversionYuvParameters YuvParameters {
   ConversionYuvParameters get();
   void set (    ConversionYuvParameters value);

Property Value

A Leadtools.ColorConversion.ConversionYuvParameters structure that contains the CIELab conversion properties.


This example will convert a buffer from Yuv to Rgb Color Space.

Visual BasicCopy Code
Public Function GetYuvBufferFromImage(ByVal bgrImage As RasterImage) As Byte()
      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.
      ' Image buffer array
      Dim bgrBuffer(bgrImage.Width * bgrImage.Height * 3) As Byte

      ' get image buffer
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To bgrImage.Height
         bgrImage.GetRow(i, bgrBuffer, (i * bgrImage.Width * 3), bgrImage.Width * 3)
      Next i

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine()

      Dim yuvBuffer(bgrBuffer.Length) As Byte

         ' Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, Nothing)

         ' convert the image buffer 
         converter.Convert(bgrBuffer, _
            0, _
            yuvBuffer, _
            0, _
            bgrImage.Width, _
            bgrImage.Height, _
            0, _

         ' stop the conversion
      Catch ex As Exception
      End Try


      Return yuvBuffer
   End Function

   Public Function GetImageFromYuvBuffer(ByVal yuvBuffer As Byte(), ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As RasterImage
      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim Converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine()

      ' Initialize an image to hold the converted buffer.
      Dim yuvImage As RasterImage = Nothing
         yuvImage = New RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, width, height, 24, RasterByteOrder.Bgr, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero, 0)

         ' Start the color conversion
         Converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, Nothing)

         ' convert the image buffer
         Converter.ConvertToImage(yuvBuffer, _
            0, _
            yuvImage, _
            width, _
            height, _
            0, _

         ' stop the conversion
      Catch ex As Exception
      End Try

      ' Shutdown the ColorConversion.
      Return yuvImage
   End Function

   Public Sub YuvParametersExampleExample()
      ' Startup the RasterCodecs
      Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()

      ' StartUp the ColorConversion.

      ' The input file name
      Dim inputFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp")

      ' load the input image as Bgr.
      Dim bgrImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load(inputFileName, 24, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1, 1)

      Dim width As Integer = bgrImage.Width
      Dim height As Integer = bgrImage.Height
      Dim yuvBuffer() As Byte = GetYuvBufferFromImage(bgrImage)

      ' Initialize the Rgb buffer array
      Dim rgbBuffer(yuvBuffer.Length) As Byte

      ' Byte ordering of the format; for Y41P:
      ' U0 Y0 V0 Y1 U4 Y2 V4 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
      ' 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   9    10  11
      ' Put the Y component order first, then the U and V last as follows:
      ' Y positions: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11
      ' U positions: 0,4
      ' V positions: 2,6

      Dim offset() As Integer = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 4, 2, 6}

      ' Initialize a new ConversionParameters class object.
      Dim convParams As ConversionParameters = New ConversionParameters

      ' Initialize the YuvParameters class property.
      Dim yuvParameters As ConversionYuvParameters = ConversionYuvParameters.Empty

      ' Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UH = 4

      ' Determine the vertical sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UV = 1

      ' Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VH = 4

      ' Determine the vertical sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VV = 1

      ' Set the byte ordering
      yuvParameters.Offsets = offset

      ' The YUV values range
      yuvParameters.Range = ConversionYuvRange.UseFull

      ' This represents the macro pixels(smallest group of pixels allowed), 
      ' which indicates how many actual pixels are in the macro pixel. 
      ' This value is important only in non - planar format
      yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 8

      ' This is a Boolean value that represents the type of the YUV format (Planar = true, or non - Planar = false.)
      yuvParameters.Planar = False
      convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters

      ' Determine the type of conversion to be used in the conversion, for YUVGeneric, only use UseBuiltIn
      convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn

      ' Determine the type of conversion to be activated. For YUVGeneric, only UseBuiltIn
      convParams.ActiveMethod = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn

      ' Initialize a new Converter object
      Dim converter As New RasterColorConverterEngine

         ' Initialize the conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Rgb, convParams)

         ' Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0)

         ' Change the Yuv Parameters
         convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.ChangeYuv

         ' Change the MacroPixel value
         yuvParameters.Mask = ConversionYuvMaskFlags.MacroPixel

         ' Reset the MacroPixel Property.
         yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 16
         convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters

         ' Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0)

         ' Stop the conversion

      Catch ex As Exception
         rgbBuffer = Nothing
      End Try

      ' the output File Name.
      Dim outputFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ResultImage.bmp")

      ' Save the converted Image
      Dim yuvImage As RasterImage = GetImageFromYuvBuffer(yuvBuffer, width, height)
      codecs.Save(yuvImage, outputFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)

      ' Shutdown the ColorConversion.

      ' Shutdown the RasterCodecs
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
C#Copy Code
public byte[] GetYuvBufferFromImage(RasterImage bgrImage)
      // StartUp the ColorConversion.
      // Image buffer array
      byte[] bgrBuffer = new byte[bgrImage.Width * bgrImage.Height * 3];

      // get image buffer
      for (int i = 0; i < bgrImage.Height; i++)
         bgrImage.GetRow(i, bgrBuffer, (i * bgrImage.Width * 3), bgrImage.Width * 3);

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

      byte[] yuvBuffer = new byte[bgrBuffer.Length];

         // Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, null);

         // convert the image buffer 
         converter.Convert(bgrBuffer, // input buffer
            0, // offset from the begining of the source buffer
            yuvBuffer, // output buffer
            0, // offset from the begining of the destination buffer
            bgrImage.Width, // pixels width
            bgrImage.Height, // pixels height
            0, // 0 bytes align
            0); // 0 bytes align

         // stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)


      return yuvBuffer;

   public RasterImage GetImageFromYuvBuffer(byte[] yuvBuffer, int width, int height)
      // StartUp the ColorConversion.

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

      // Initialize an image to hold the converted buffer.
      RasterImage yuvImage = null;
         yuvImage = new RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, width, height, 24, RasterByteOrder.Bgr, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, null, IntPtr.Zero, 0);

         // Start the color conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Bgr, null);

         // convert the image buffer
         converter.ConvertToImage(yuvBuffer, // converted buffer
            0,                // offset from the begining of the source buffer
            yuvImage,        // image to be save
            width,   // pixels width
            height,  // pixels height
            0,                // 0 bytes align
            0);               // 0 bytes align

         // stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)
      // Shutdown the ColorConversion.
      return yuvImage;

   public void YuvParametersPropertyExample()
      // Startup the RasterCodecs
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      // StartUp the ColorConversion.

      // The input file name
      string inputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp");

      // load the input image as Bgr.
      RasterImage bgrImage = codecs.Load(inputFileName, 24, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1, 1);

      int width = bgrImage.Width;
      int height = bgrImage.Height;

      byte[] yuvBuffer = GetYuvBufferFromImage(bgrImage);

      // Initialize the Rgb buffer array
      byte[] rgbBuffer = new byte[yuvBuffer.Length];

      //Byte ordering of the format; for Y41P:
      // U0 Y0 V0 Y1 U4 Y2 V4 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
      // 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   9    10  11
      // Put the Y component order first, then the U and V last as follows:
      // Y positions: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11
      // U positions: 0,4
      // V positions: 2,6   
      int[] offset = {1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,0,4,2,6};

      // Initialize a new ConversionParameters class object.
      ConversionParameters convParams = new ConversionParameters();

      // Initialize the YuvParameters class property.
      ConversionYuvParameters yuvParameters = ConversionYuvParameters.Empty;

      // Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UH = 4;

      // Determine the vertical sub-sampling of U
      yuvParameters.UV = 1;

      // Determine the horizontal sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VH = 4;

      // Determine the vertical sub-sampling of V
      yuvParameters.VV = 1;

      //Set the byte ordering
      yuvParameters.Offsets = offset;

      //The YUV values range
      yuvParameters.Range = ConversionYuvRange.UseFull;

      // This represents the macro pixels(smallest group of pixels allowed), 
      // which indicates how many actual pixels are in the macro pixel. 
      // This value is important only in non - planar format
      yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 8;

      //This is a Boolean value that represents the type of the YUV format (Planar = true, or non - Planar = false.)
      yuvParameters.Planar = false;

      // set the yuv parameters
      convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters;

      // Determine the type of conversion to be used in the conversion, for YUVGeneric, only use UseBuiltIn
      convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn;

      //Determine the type of conversion to be activated. For YUVGeneric, only UseBuiltIn
      convParams.ActiveMethod = ConversionMethodFlags.UseBuiltIn;

      // Initialize a new Converter object
      RasterColorConverterEngine converter = new RasterColorConverterEngine();

         //Initialize the conversion
         converter.Start(ConversionColorFormat.Yuv, ConversionColorFormat.Rgb, convParams);

         // Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0);

         // Change the Yuv Parameters
         convParams.Method = ConversionMethodFlags.ChangeYuv;

         // Change the MacroPixel value
         yuvParameters.Mask = ConversionYuvMaskFlags.MacroPixel;

         // Reset the MacroPixel Property.
         yuvParameters.MacroPixel = 16;
         convParams.YuvParameters = yuvParameters;

         // Convert the Buffer from Yuv to Rgb
         converter.Convert(yuvBuffer, 0, rgbBuffer, 0, width, height, 0, 0);

         // Stop the conversion
      catch (Exception ex)
         rgbBuffer = null;

      // the output File Name.
      string outputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir,  "ResultImage.bmp");

      // Save the converted Image
      RasterImage yuvImage = GetImageFromYuvBuffer(yuvBuffer, width, height);
      codecs.Save(yuvImage, outputFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);

      // Shutdown the ColorConversion.

      // Shutdown the RasterCodecs

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
SilverlightCSharpCopy Code
SilverlightVBCopy Code


The YUV conversion properties. If this property value is null(Nothing), default values are assumed.


Target Platforms: Silverlight 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only)

See Also