| Name | Description |
| AlphaChannelActiveBits | Gets or sets a value indicating the active bits for the alpha channel. |
| AlphaChannelLossless | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to save the alpha channel as lossless. |
| CodeBlockHeight | Gets or sets the height of the code block, following wavelet transformation. |
| CodeBlockWidth | Gets or sets the width of the code block, following wavelet transformation. |
| CompressionControl | Gets or sets the compression control method. |
| CompressionRatio | Gets or sets the compression ratio. |
| DecompositionLevels | Gets or sets the number of resolution levels in the compressed file. |
| DerivedBaseExponent | Gets or sets the base exponent used for derived quantization. |
| DerivedBaseMantissa | Gets or sets the base mantissa used for derived quantization. |
| DerivedQuantization | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use derived quantization or expounded quantization. |
| ErrorResilienceSymbol | Gets or sets a value indicating if a 4 symbol marker is included for each bit-plane, following the normalization pass. |
| GuardBits | Gets or sets the number of extra bits to consider when encoding an image. |
| ImageAreaHorizontalOffset | Gets or sets the horizontal offset from the origin of the reference grid to the left side of the image area. |
| ImageAreaVerticalOffset | Gets or sets the vertical offset from the origin of the reference grid to the top of the image area. |

| MaximumComponentsNumber | This returns the maximum number of components supported by LEAD J2K. |

| MaximumDecompressionLevels | Returns the maximum number of resolutions supported by LEAD J2K. |
| PrecinctSize | Specifies the precinct size. For a list of possible values refer to CodecsJpeg2000PrecinctSize. |
| PredictableTermination | Gets or sets a value indicating if the encoder has a predictable termination policy and identifies that the policy was used in the code-stream COD/COC markers. This can be used to implement error detection and concealment. |
| ProgressingOrder | Gets or sets the order of progression. |
| ReferenceTileHeight | Gets or sets the height of one reference tile, with respect to the reference grid. |
| ReferenceTileWidth | Gets or sets the width of one reference tile, with respect to the reference grid. |
| RegionOfInterest | Gets or sets a value indicating the type of region to use when saving. |
| RegionOfInterestRectangle | Gets or sets the rectangular region of interest to use when RegionOfInterest is CodecsJpeg2000RegionOfInterest.UseOptionRectangle. |
| RegionOfInterestWeight | Reserved for internal use. |
| ResetContextOnBoundaries | Gets or sets a value indicating if the arithmetic coder's probability models are reset between coding passes. This controls where the end of encoded data is and limits the amount of potentially lost data in the event of a transmission error. |
| SelectiveAcBypass | Gets or sets a value indicating if the "lazy coding mode" is adopted. In this case, trailing bit-planes bypass the arithmetic coder except in the normalization pass. Otherwise, the arithmetic coder is used on all passes. |
| TargetFileSize | Gets or sets the target file size. |
| TerminationOnEachPass | Gets or sets a value indicating if the arithmetic code-word generation process stops on a byte boundary at the end of each coding pass. |
| TileHorizontalOffset | Gets or sets the horizontal offset from the origin of the reference grid to the left side of the first tile. |
| TileVerticalOffset | Gets or sets the vertical offset from the origin of the reference grid to the top of the first tile. |
| UseColorTransform | Enables or disables converting an RGB image to YUV space before compressing. |
| UseEphMarker | Enables or disables use of the End of Packet Header (EPH) marker. |
| UseRegionOfInterest | Indicates whether to use a region of interest. |
| UseSopMarker | Enables or disables use of the Start of Packet(SOP) marker. |
| VerticallyCausalContext | Gets or sets a value indicating if the context models are restricted to being vertically causal within each sub-block. |