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CodecsTiffSaveOptions Class Members
See Also  Properties 
Leadtools.Codecs Namespace : CodecsTiffSaveOptions Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsTiffSaveOptions.

Public Properties

public Property ImageFileDirectoryOffsetGets or sets the offset within a TIFF file where a page starts.  
public Property NoLzwAutoClearGets a value indicating whether to automatically insert CLEAR codes during LZW compression.  
public Property NoPageNumberEnables or disables updating the PageNumber tag associated with the pages of a multipage TIFF file.  
public Property NoPaletteEnables or disables saving a TIFF file as grayscale, without a palette.  
public Property NoSubFileTypeEnables or disables writing a subfile type TIFF tag when writing any TIFF file.  
public Property PhotometricInterpretationGets or sets the Photometric Interpretation.  
public Property PreservePaletteEnables and disables preservation of the palette when saving TIFF CCITT files.  
public Property SavePlanarGets a value indicating whether to save CMYK TIFF data as planar.  
public Property TileHeightGets or sets the height of the tile to use when saving TIFF files.  
public Property TileWidthGets or sets the width of the tile to use when saving TIFF files.  
public Property UseImageFileDirectoryOffsetEnables or disables using the IFD offset.  
public Property UsePhotometricInterpretationEnables or disables using Photometric Interpretation when saving TIFF files.  
public Property UsePredictorGets a value indicating whether to use a predictor when saving LZW data.  
public Property UseTileSizeEnables and disables using the tile size when saving TIFF images.  

See Also