| Name | Description |
| CancelAsync | Cancels a pending asynchronous operation. |
| CancelFeedGetInformation | This method can be used to purposefully cancel the feed information process. |
| CancelFeedLoad | This method can be used to purposefully cancel the FeedLoad(Byte[],Int32,Int32) process. |

| CommentsSupported | Checks whether the given file format supports comment fields |
| CompactFile | Overloaded. Compacts TIFF files with default options. |
| Compress | Overloaded. Does buffer-to-buffer JPEG or LEAD CMP compression. |
| Convert | Overloaded. Converts an image file from one format to another, creating a new file in the new format. |
| DecodeAbic | Overloaded. Decodes the input ABIC data using the ABIC decoder and returns raw uncompressed data. |
| Decompress | Overloaded. Called for each buffer, strip or tile of decompressed data. |
| DeletePage | Overloaded. Deletes the specified page from a multipage file, if the format supports delete operations. |
| DeleteTag | Overloaded. Deletes a tag from a file, if the file supports tags (TIFF or Exif). |
| Dispose | Overloaded. Releases all resources used by this RasterCodecs. |
| EncodeAbic | Overloaded. Encodes the input raw data using the ABIC encoder. |
| EnumGeoKeys | Overloaded. Enumerates all the GeoKeys in a Geo TIFF file. |
| EnumTags | Overloaded. Enumerates all the tags in a file. |
| FeedGetInformation | Overloaded. Supplies image data to the file information process from a buffer that you provide. |
| FeedLoad | Overloaded. Supplies image data to the file-load process from a buffer that you provide. |

| GeoKeysSupported | Checks whether the given file format supports TIFF Geo key tags |
| GetCodecInformation | Gets information about the specified codec. |
| GetCodecsInformation | Gets the information for all the codecs. |
| GetInformation | Overloaded. Gets the image information from a disk file. |
| GetInformationAsync | Overloaded. Gets the image information from a disk file asynchronously. |
| GetPcdResolution | Examines a PhotoCD file to determine which resolutions it contains. |
| GetRasterPdfInfo | Overloaded. Gets information for a page in a raster PDF file created with the LEADTOOLS Raster PDF plug in. |
| IgnoreCodecs | Specifies which file codecs LEADTOOLS should NEVER load, even if present. |
| Load | Overloaded. Loads the specified image file using default options. |
| LoadAsync | Overloaded. Loads the specified rectangle from the specified image file using the specified options asynchronously. |
| LoadCmykPlanes | Overloaded. Loads CMYK TIFF files as CMYK and avoids the colorspace conversion to RGB. |
| LoadPsdChannel | Loads the specified channel from the specified PSD file. |
| LoadPsdLayer | Loads the specified layer from the specified PSD file. |

| MarkersSupported | Checks whether the given file format supports markers |
| PreloadCodecs | Specifies the file format codecs to be loaded. |
| ReadComment | Overloaded. Gets a comment field from a file. |
| ReadComments | Overloaded. Gets all the comment fields stored in a file. |
| ReadExtensions | Overloaded. Loads extensions from the specified Exif file. |
| ReadGeoKey | Overloaded. Gets the specified GeoKey data from a TIFF file. |
| ReadGeoKeys | Overloaded. Read all the GeoKey data found in a TIFF file. |
| ReadLoadResolutions | Overloaded. Examines a file to determine which resolutions it contains. |
| ReadMarkers | Overloaded. Reads all the metadata markers (COM and APPn) from a file. |
| ReadStamp | Overloaded. Reads a thumbnail image stored in the image file. |
| ReadTag | Overloaded. Gets the specified tagged data from a TIFF file. |
| ReadTags | Overloaded. Reads all the tags stored in a TIFF file. |
| ReadTagsWithOffsets | Overloaded. Reads all the tags stored in a TIFF file, along with the offsets for each tag. |
| ReadThumbnail | Overloaded. Creates a thumbnail from the specified image file. |
| Save | Overloaded. Saves a Leadtools.RasterImage to a remote URL in any of the supported compressed or uncompressed formats. |
| SaveCmykPlanes | Overloaded. Saves the pages of an image as a CMYK TIFF file. |
| SavePsdWithLayers | Saves an image to a PSD file, along with the specified layers. |
| SaveStamp | Overloaded. Saves a stamp in an existing file with default options. |
| SetCodecInformation | Sets information for the specified codec. |
| SetCodecsInformation | Sets the information for all the codecs. |

| Shutdown | Obsolete: Releases all the data used to start the LEADTOOLS I/O Library. |
| StartCompress | Overloaded. Initializes the buffered compression engine. |
| StartDecompress | Initializes the buffered decompression engine. |
| StartFeedGetInformation | Initializes a file information process in which you control the input stream. |
| StartFeedLoad | Overloaded. Initializes a file-load process in which you control the input stream. |
| StartOverlay | Indicates which method should be called when an overlay is detected inside a file. |
| StartRedirecting | Starts file I/O redirection. |

| Startup | Obsolete: Initializes the required data to start the LEADTOOLS I/O Library. |
| StopCompress | Cleans up all data variables and buffers allocated by the JPEG or LEAD CMP compression engine. |
| StopDecompress | Ends the decompression process and cleans up all the variables and buffers allocated. |
| StopFeedGetInformation | Ends a file information process in which you control the input stream. |
| StopFeedLoad | Ends a file-load process in which you control the input stream. |
| StopOverlay | Restores the previous overlay callback. |
| StopRedirecting | Stops file I/O redirection and resets the I/O methods back to their defaults. |

| TagsSupported | Checks whether the given file format supports tags |
| Transform | Performs a lossless transformation for certain formats. |
| UseAsync | Creates the System.Net.WebClient object used for asynchronous operations. |
| WriteComment | Overloaded. Writes a comment to an existing file. |
| WriteComments | Overloaded. Writes one or more comments to an existing file. |
| WriteGeoKey | Overloaded. Writes or changes a GeoKeys to an existing file. |
| WriteGeoKeys | Overloaded. Writes or changes one or more GeoKeys to an existing file. |
| WriteMarker | Overloaded. Writes a marker to an existing file. |
| WriteMarkers | Overloaded. Writes one or more markers to an existing file. |
| WriteTag | Overloaded. Writes or changes a tag to an existing file. |
| WriteTags | Overloaded. Writes or changes one or more tags to an existing file. |
| WriteTransformMarker | Overloaded. Controls how the transform markers are used when performing a lossless transformation for certain formats. |