LEADTOOLS Image File Support (Leadtools.Codecs assembly) Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
CodecsImageInfo Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Codecs Namespace : CodecsImageInfo Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsImageInfo.

Public Constructors

public Constructor CodecsImageInfo ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the CodecsImageInfo class.  

Public Properties

public Property BitsPerPixelGets the bits per pixel of the image.  
public Property BytesPerLineGets the number of bytes per scanline for the image data.  
public Property ColorSpaceGets the color space of the image.  
public Property CompressionGets the compression of the image file.  
public Property DocumentGets extra information about the image if the file is a document format.  
public Property FaxGets extra information about the image if the file format is FAX.  
public Property FormatGets the image file format.  
public Property GifGets extra information about the image if the file format is GIF.  
public Property HasAlphaDetermines whether or not the image contains alpha channel information.  
public Property HasResolutionDetermines whether or not the file has resolution values (DPI) stored inside.  
public Property HeightGets the height of the image in pixels.  
public Property IsLinkDetermines whether or not the file is an image file or a link to an image file.  
public Property IsLoadingGets a value that determines whether this CodecsImageInfo object is still loading.  
public Property IsRotatedDetermines whether or not the image has a rotated view perspective.  
public Property IsSignedDetermines whether or not the image data is signed.  
public Property JpegGets extra information about the image if the file format is JPEG or LEAD CMP.  
public Property NameGets the file name.  
public Property OrderGets the byte order of the image.  
public Property PageNumberGets the page number of the file.  
public Property PsdGets extra information about the image if the file format is PSD.  
public Property SizeDiskGets the size of the image file on disk.  
public Property SizeMemoryGets the size of the image when loaded uncompressed in memory.  
public Property TiffGets extra information about the image if the file format is TIFF.  
public Property TotalPagesGets the total number of pages in the file.  
public Property ViewPerspectiveGets the view perspective of the image.  
public Property WidthGets the width of the image in pixels.  
public Property XResolutionGets the horizontal resolution (DPI) of the image.  
public Property YResolutionGets the vertical resolution (DPI) of the image.  

Public Methods

public Method CloneCreates an exact copy of the current page of this CodecsImageInfo.  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by this CodecsImageInfo.  
public Method GetPaletteGets the images's palette.  
public Method ToStringReturns a string containing the image information in a human readable format.  

Protected Methods

protected Method FinalizeThis member overrides System.Object.Finalize.  

See Also