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CodecsThumbnailOptions Structure Members
See Also  Properties 
Leadtools.Codecs Namespace : CodecsThumbnailOptions Structure

The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsThumbnailOptions.

Public Properties

public Property BackColorGets or sets the background color to use if both ForceSize and MaintainAspectRatio are true.  
public Property BitsPerPixelGets or sets the desired thumbnail bits per pixel.  
public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DefaultGets the default settings for CodecsThumbnailOptions.  
public Property DitheringMethodGets or sets the dithering method to use.  
public Property ForceSizeGets or sets a value which indicates whether the generated thumbnail should be forced to the requested size, even if MaintainAspectRatio is set to true.  
public Property HeightGets or sets the desired thumbnail height in pixels.  
public Property LoadStampGets or sets a value which indicates whether or not to attempt to load stamps from file formats that support preview images.  
public Property MaintainAspectRatioGets or sets a value which indicates whether the aspect ratio of the image should be maintained when creating the thumbnail.  
public Property OrderGets or sets the desired color order for the thumbnail image.  
public Property PaletteFlagsGets or sets the palette flags to use.  
public Property ResampleGets or sets a value whether or not to use interpolated resize when generating thumbnails.  
public Property WidthGets or sets the desired thumbnail width in pixels.  

See Also