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DicomKeyAttribute Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Linq.BasicDirectory Namespace : DicomKeyAttribute Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DicomKeyAttribute.

Public Constructors

public Constructor DicomKeyAttribute ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DicomKeyAttribute class.  

Public Properties

public Property DicomKeyGets the DICOMDIR key type.  
public Property TypeIdWhen implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this System.Attribute. (Inherited from System.Attribute)

Public Methods

public Method IsDefaultAttributeWhen overridden in a derived class, indicates whether the value of this instance is the default value for the derived class. (Inherited from System.Attribute)
public Method MatchWhen overridden in a derived class, returns a value that indicates whether this instance equals a specified object. (Inherited from System.Attribute)

See Also

Leadtools.Dicom.Common requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features