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SOPCommonModule Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes Namespace : SOPCommonModule Class


For a list of all members of this type, see SOPCommonModule members.


Public Properties

public Property AuthorizationEquipmentCertificationNumberGets or sets the authorization equipment certification number.  
public Property CodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceGets or sets the coding scheme identification sequence.  
public Property ContributingEquipmentSequenceGets or sets the contributing equipment sequence.  
public Property DigitalSignaturesGets or sets the digital signatures.  
public Property EncryptedAttributesSequenceGets or sets the encrypted attributes sequence.  
public Property HL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceGets or sets the HL7 structured document reference sequence.  
public Property InstanceCreationDateGets or sets the instance creation date.  
public Property InstanceCreationTimeGets or sets the instance creation time.  
public Property InstanceCreatorUIDGets or sets the instance creator UID.  
public Property InstanceNumberGets or sets the instance number.  
public Property OriginalAttributesSequenceGets or sets the original attributes sequence.  
public Property OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUIDGets or sets the original specialized SOP class UID.  
public Property RelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDGets or sets the related general SOP class UID.  
public Property SOPAuthorizationCommentGets or sets the SOP authorization comment.  
public Property SOPAuthorizationDateAndTimeGets or sets the SOP authorization date and time.  
public Property SOPClassUIDGets or sets the SOP class UID.  
public Property SOPInstanceStatusGets or sets the SOP instance status.  
public Property SOPInstanceUIDGets or sets the SOP instance UID.  
public Property SpecificCharacterSetGets or sets the specific character set.  
public Property TimezoneOffsetFromUTCGets or sets the timezone offset from UTC.  

See Also

Leadtools.Dicom.Common requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features