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DicomWaveformChannel Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Dicom Namespace : DicomWaveformChannel Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DicomWaveformChannel.

Public Constructors

public Constructor DicomWaveformChannel ConstructorConstructs a new DicomWaveformChannel object,and performs initializations  

Public Properties

public Property GroupGets the "Multiplex Group" that represents the parent of the waveform channel.  
public Property IndexGets the index of the waveform channel inside the parent "Multiplex Group".  

Public Methods

public Method AddAnnotationAdds a new waveform annotation to the channel.  
public Method DeleteAnnotationDeletes a waveform annotation from the channel.  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DicomWaveformChannel class and optionally releases the managed resources.  
public Method GetAnnotationGets the channel annotation.  
public Method GetAnnotationCountGets the number of annotations associated with this channel.  
public Method GetChannelLabelGets the channel label.  
public Method GetChannelMaximumValueGets the channel maximum value.  
public Method GetChannelMinimumValueGets the channel minimum value.  
public Method GetChannelOffsetGets the channel offset.  
public Method GetChannelSamplesGets the samples (data) for a waveform channel  
public Method GetChannelSamplesCountGets the number of samples for the channel.  
public Method GetChannelSampleSkewGets the channel sample skew.  
public Method GetChannelSamplesPtrGets the samples (data) for a waveform channel  
public Method GetChannelSensitivityGets the channel sensitivity.  
public Method GetChannelSourceGets the channel source.  
public Method GetChannelStatusGets the channel status.  
public Method GetChannelTimeSkewGets the channel time skew.  
public Method GetFilterHighFrequencyGets the filter high frequency.  
public Method GetFilterLowFrequencyGets the filter low frequency.  
public Method GetNotchFilterBandwidthGets the notch filter bandwidth.  
public Method GetNotchFilterFrequencyGets the notch filter frequency.  
public Method GetWaveformChannelNumberGets the waveform channel number.  
public Method SetChannelLabelSets the channel label.  
public Method SetChannelMaximumValueSets the channel maximum value.  
public Method SetChannelMinimumValueSets the channel minimum value.  
public Method SetChannelOffsetSets the channel offset.  
public Method SetChannelSamples16Overloaded. Sets 16-bit data for a channel.  
public Method SetChannelSamples32Overloaded. Sets 32-bit data for a channel.  
public Method SetChannelSamples8Overloaded. Sets 8-bit data for a channel.  
public Method SetChannelSampleSkewSets the channel sample skew.  
public Method SetChannelSensitivitySets the channel sensitivity.  
public Method SetChannelSourceSets the channel source.  
public Method SetChannelStatusSets the channel status  
public Method SetChannelTimeSkewSets the channel time skew.  
public Method SetFilterHighFrequencySets the filter high frequency.  
public Method SetFilterLowFrequencySets the filter low frequency.  
public Method SetNotchFilterBandwidthSets the notch filter bandwidth for the channel.  
public Method SetNotchFilterFrequencySets the notch filter frequency for the channel.  
public Method SetWaveformChannelNumberSets the channel number.  

Protected Methods

protected Method FinalizeThis member overrides Finalize.  

See Also

Leadtools.Dicom requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features