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DicomAssociate Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Dicom Namespace : DicomAssociate Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DicomAssociate.

Public Constructors

public Constructor DicomAssociate ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DicomAssociate class.  

Public Properties

public Property ApplicationContextNameGets or sets the Application Context Name for the DICOM Associate.  
public Property CalledGets or sets the Called AE title for the DICOM Associate.  
public Property CallingGets or sets the Calling AE title for the DICOM Associate.  
public Property ImplementationVersionNameGets or sets the Implementation Version Name.  
public Property ImplementClassGets or sets the Implementation Class UID.  
public Property InvokedOperationsCountGets the number of Asynchronous Operations that may be invoked.  
public Property IsAsynchronousOperationsGets or sets a value indicating whether Asynchronous Operations are supported.  
public Property IsRequestGets or sets a value indicating whether the DICOM Associate is an Associate Request or an Associate Accept.  
public Property MaxLengthGets or sets the Maximum Length for data transfer.  
public Property PerformedOperationsCountGets the number of completed Asynchronous Operations.  
public Property PresentationContextCountGets the number of Presentation Context entries for the DICOM Associate.  
public Property UserInformationCountGets the number of User-defined items in the DICOM Associate.  
public Property VersionGets or sets the version of the DICOM Associate.  

Public Methods

public Method AddPresentationContextAdds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.  
public Method AddTransferAdds a Transfer Syntax to the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method AddUserInformationOverloaded. Appends a User-defined item to the DICOM Associate.  
public Method DefaultSets the default values for the DICOM Associate object.  
public Method DeletePresentationDeletes a Presentation Context in the DICOM Associate.  
public Method DeleteUserInformationDeletes a User-defined item.  
public Method DelTransferDeletes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method DisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by the DicomAssociate.  
public Method FindAbstractFinds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax.  
public Method FindAbstractsGets the presentation contexts that contain the specified Abstract Syntax.  
public Method FindNextAbstractFind the next presentation context that contains the specified Abstract Syntax.  
public Method GetAbstractGets the Abstract Syntax for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method GetAbstractCountGets the number of presentation contexts for the specified Abstract Syntax.  
public Method GetExtendedDataGets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method GetExtendedDataLengthGets the length of the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method GetExtendedDataPtrGets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method GetPresentationContextIDGets the ID of the Presentation Context at the specified index.  
public Method GetProviderRoleDetermines whether the Provider Role is supported for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method GetResultReturns the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method GetTransferGets the Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context and index.  
public Method GetTransferCountReturns the number of Transfer Syntax entries for the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method GetUserInformationDataGets the data of the specified User-defined item.  
public Method GetUserInformationDataLengthGets the length of the specified User-defined item.  
public Method GetUserInformationDataPtrGets the data of the specified User-defined item.  
public Method GetUserInformationTypeGets the type of the specified User-defined item.  
public Method GetUserRoleDetermines whether the User Role is supported for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method IsRoleSelectDetermines whether Role Selection is enabled for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method ResetRemoves all elements from the DICOM Associate and resets it to the specified type.  
public Method SetAbstractSets the Abstract Syntax of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method SetAsynchronousOperationsEnables or disables Asynchronous Operation support. It also sets the number of operations that can be invoked, if enabled.  
public Method SetExtendedDataOverloaded. Sets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method SetPresentationContextIDSets the ID for a Presentation Context.  
public Method SetResultSets the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method SetRoleSelectEnables or disables Role Selection. It also sets the User Role and Provider Role, if enabled, for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.  
public Method SetTransferSets a Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.  
public Method SetUserInformationOverloaded. Sets the specified User-defined item.  
public Method ToStringThis member overrides System.Object.ToString and returns a descriptive string for the DicomAssociate.  

Protected Methods

protected Method FinalizeThis member overrides Finalize.  

See Also

Leadtools.Dicom requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features