For a list of all members of this type, see DicomUidType members.
"Name | Description | |
AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage | Ambulatory ECG Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ApplicationContextName | DICOM Application Context Name Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ArterialPulseWaveformStorage | Arterial Pulse Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
AudioSRStorageTrialRetired | Audio SR Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
AutorefractionMeasurementsStorage | Autorefraction Measurements Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicAnnotationBoxClass | Basic Annotation Box SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicColorImageBoxClass | Basic Color Image Box SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicColorPrintMetaClass | Basic Color Print Management Meta SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicFilmBoxClass | Basic Film Box SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicFilmSessionClass | Basic Film Session SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicGrayscaleImageBoxClass | Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicGrayscalePrintMetaClass | Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicPrintImageOverlayBoxClass | Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicStructuredDisplayStorage | Basic Structured Display Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicStudyNotificationClass | Basic Study Content Notification SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicTextSR | Basic Text SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage | Basic Voice Audio Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BlendingSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage | Blending Softcopy Presentation State Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BreastImagingRelevantPatientInformationQuery | Breast Imaging Relevant Patient Information Query Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
BreastTomosynthesisImageStorage | Breast Tomosynthesis Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage | Cardiac Electrophysiology Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
CardiacRelevantPatientInformationQuery | Cardiac Relevant Patient Information Query Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ChestCadSR | Chest CAD SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColonCadSRStorage | Colon CAD SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColorPaletteInformationModelFind | Color Palette Information Model Find Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColorPaletteInformationModelGet | Color Palette Information Model Get Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColorPaletteInformationModelMove | Color Palette Information Model Move Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColorPaletteStorage | Color Palette Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage | Color Softcopy Presentation State Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ComprehensiveSR | Comprehensive SR Storage | |
ComprehensiveSRStorageTrialRetired | Comprehensive SR Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
CRImageStorage | Computed Radiography Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
CTImageStorage | CT Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian | Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DeformableSpatialRegistrationStorage | Deformable Spatial Registration Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedInterpretationClass | Detached Interpretation Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedPatientClass | Detached Patient Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedPatientMetaClass | Detached Patient Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedResultsClass | Detached Results Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedResultsMetaClass | Detached Results Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedStudyClass | Detached Study Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedStudyMetaClass | Detached Study Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetachedVisitClass | Detached Visit Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DetailSRStorageTrialRetired | Detail SR Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Dicom | dicomSOPClass | |
DicomAeTitle | dicomAETitle Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomApplicationCluster | dicomApplicationCluster Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomAssociationAcceptor | dicomAssociationAcceptor Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomAssociationInitiator | dicomAssociationInitiator Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomAuthorizedNodeCertificateReference | dicomAuthorizedNodeCertificateReference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomConfigurationRoot | dicomConfigurationRoot Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DICOMControlledTerminology | DICOM Controlled Terminology Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomDescription | dicomDescription Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomDevice | dicomDevice | |
DicomDeviceName | dicomDeviceName Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomDeviceSerialNumber | dicomDeviceSerialNumber Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomDevicesRoot | dicomDevicesRoot Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomHostname | dicomHostname Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomInstalled | dicomInstalled Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomInstitutionAddress | dicomInstitutionAddress Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomInstitutionDepartmentName | dicomInstitutionDepartmentName Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomInstitutionName | dicomInstitutionName Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomIssuerOfPatientId | dicomIssuerOfPatientID Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomManufacturer | dicomManufacturer Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomManufacturerModelName | dicomManufacturerModelName Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomNetworkAe | dicomNetworkAE Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomNetworkConnection | dicomNetworkConnection | |
DicomNetworkConnectionReference | dicomNetworkConnectionReference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomPort | dicomPort Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomPreferredCalledAeTitle | dicomPreferredCalledAETitle Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomPreferredCallingAeTitle | dicomPreferredCallingAETitle Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomPrimaryDeviceType | dicomPrimaryDeviceType Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomRegistry | DICOM UID Registry Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomRelatedDeviceReference | dicomRelatedDeviceReference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomSoftwareVersion | dicomSoftwareVersion Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomStationName | dicomStationName Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomSupportedCharacterSet | dicomSupportedCharacterSet Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomThisNodeCertificateReference | dicomThisNodeCertificateReference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomTlsCyphersuite | dicomTLSCyphersuite Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomTransferCapability | dicomTransferCapability Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomTransferRole | dicomTransferRole Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomTransferSyntax | dicomTransferSyntax Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomUniqueAeTitle | dicomUniqueAETitle | |
DicomUniqueAeTitlesRegistryRoot | dicomUniqueAETitlesRegistryRoot Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DicomVendorData | dicomVendorData Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXImageStoragePresentation | Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXImageStorageProcessing | Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXIntraoralImageStoragePresentation | Digital Intra-oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXIntraoralImageStorageProcessing | Digital Intra-oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXMammographyImageStoragePresentation | Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
DXMammographyImageStorageProcessing | Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EncapsulatedCdaStorage | Encapsulated CDA Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EncapsulatedPdfStorage | Encapsulated PDF Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedCTImageStorage | Enhanced CT Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedMRColorImageStorage | Enhanced MR Color Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedMRImageStorage | Enhanced MR Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedPETImageStorage | Enhanced PET Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedSR | Enhanced SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedUSVolumeStorage | Enhanced Ultrasound Volume Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedXAImageStorage | Enhanced XA Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
EnhancedXrfImageStorage | Enhanced XRF Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ExplicitVRBigEndian | Explicit VR Big Endian Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ExplicitVRLittleEndian | Explicit VR Little Endian Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeArmMigration | GE Private ARM Migration Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeArmMigrationInstance | GE Private ARM Migration Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeCTImage | GE Private Dicom Computed Tomography Image Information Object Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeDisplayImagermation | GE Private Dicom Display Imagermation Info Object Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeMRImage | GE Private Dicom Magnetic Resonance Image Information Object Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralAudioWaveformStorage | General Audio Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralECGWaveformStorage | General ECG Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepSopClass | General Purpose Performed Procedure Step SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralPurposeScheduledProcedureStepSopClass | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralPurposeWorklistFind | General Purpose Worklist Information Model - FIND Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralPurposeWorklistManagementMetaSopClass | General Purpose Worklist Management Meta SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GeneralRelevantPatientInformationQuery | General Relevant Patient Information Query Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage | Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HangingProtocolInformationModelFind | Hanging Protocol Information Model - FIND Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HangingProtocolInformationModelMove | Hanging Protocol Information Model - MOVE Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HangingProtocolStorage | Hanging Protocol Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HardcopyColorImageStorageClass | Hardcopy Color Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HardcopyGrayscaleImageStorageClass | Hardcopy Grayscale Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
HemodynamicWaveformStorage | Hemodynamic Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Icbm452T1FrameOfReference | ICBM 452 T1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
IcbmSingleSubjectMriFrameOfReference | ICBM Single Subject MRI Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ImageOverlayBoxClassRetired | Image Overlay Box SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ImplicitVRLittleEndian | Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
InstanceAvailabilityNotification | Instance Availability Notification SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEG2000 | JPEG 2000 Image Compression | |
JPEG2000LosslessOnly | JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEG2000Part2MultiComponentImageCompression | JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression | |
JPEG2000Part2MultiComponentImageCompressionLosslessOnly | JPEG 2000 Part 2 Multi-component Image Compression (Lossless Only) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGBaseline1 | JPEG Baseline (Process 1): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 8 Bit Image Compression Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGExtended2_4 | JPEG Extended (Process 2 and 4): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 12 Bit Image Compression (Process 4 only) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGExtended3_5 | JPEG Extended (Process 3 and 5) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGExtendedHier16_18 | JPEG Extended, Hierarchical (Process 16 and 18) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGExtendedHier17_19 | JPEG Extended, Hierarchical (Process 17 and 19) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGFullHier24_26 | JPEG Full Progression, Hierarchical (Process 24 and 26) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGFullHier25_27 | JPEG Full Progression, Hierarchical (Process 25 and 27) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGFullNonhier10_12 | JPEG Full Progression, Non-Hierarchical (Process 10 and 12) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGFullNonhier11_13 | JPEG Full Progression, Non-Hierarchical (Process 11 and 13) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLosslessHierProcess28 | JPEG Lossless, Hierarchical (Process 28) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLosslessHierProcess29 | JPEG Lossless, Hierarchical (Process 29) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLosslessNonhier14 | JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLosslessNonhier14B | JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Default Transfer Syntax for Lossless JPEG Image Compression Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLosslessNonhier15 | JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 15) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLSLossless | JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGLSLossy | JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGSpectralHier20_22 | JPEG Spectral Selection, Hierarchical (Process 20 and 22) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGSpectralHier21_23 | JPEG Spectral Selection, Hierarchical (Process 21 and 23) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGSpectralNonhier6_8 | JPEG Spectral Selection, Non-Hierarchical (Process 6 and 8) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JPEGSpectralNonhier7_9 | JPEG Spectral Selection, Non-Hierarchical (Process 7 and 9) (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JpipReferenced | JPIP Referenced Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
JpipReferencedDeflate | JPIP Referenced Deflate Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
KeratometryMeasurementsStorage | Keratometry Measurements Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
KeyObjectSelectionDocument | Key Object Selection Document Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
LensometryMeasurementsStorage | Lensometry Measurements Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MammographyCadSR | Mammography CAD SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MediaCreationManagement | Media Creation Management SOP Class UID Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MediaStorageDirectory | Media Storage Directory Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ModalityPerformedClass | Modality Performed Procedure Step SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ModalityPerformedNotificationClass | Modality Performed Procedure Step Notification SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ModalityPerformedRetrieveClass | Modality Performed Procedure Step Retrieve SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ModalityWorklistFind | Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MPEG2MainProfileHighLevel | Mpeg2 Main Profile High Level Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MPEG2MainProfileMainLevel | MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MRImageStorage | MR Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
MRSpectroscopyStorage | MR Spectroscopy Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
NMImageStorage | Nuclear Medicine Image Storage | |
NMImageStorageRetired | Nuclear Medicine Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Ophthalmic16BitPhotographyImageStorage | Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Ophthalmic8BitPhotographyImageStorage | Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage | Ophthalmic Tomography Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Papyrus3ImplicitVRLittleEndian | Papyrus 3 Implicit VR Little Endian Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientRootQueryFind | Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientRootQueryGet | Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - GET Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientRootQueryMove | Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientStudyQueryFind | Patient/Study Only Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientStudyQueryGet | Patient/Study Only Query/Retrieve Information Model - GET (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PatientStudyQueryMove | Patient/Study Only Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PETImageStorage | Positron Emission Tomography Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PresentationLutClass | Presentation LUT SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrinterClass | Printer SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrinterConfigurationRetrievalClass | Printer Configuration Retrieval SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrinterConfigurationRetrievalInstance | Printer Configuration Retrieval SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrinterInstance | Printer SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrintJobClass | Print Job SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrintQueueClass | Print Queue Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PrintQueueInstance | Print Queue SOP Instance (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ProceduralEventLogging | Procedural Event Logging SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ProceduralEventLoggingSopInstance | Procedural Event Logging SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ProcedureLogStorage | Procedure Log Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ProductCharacteristicsQuery | Product Characteristics Query SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage | Pseudo-Color Softcopy Presentation State Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PullPrintRequestClass | Pull Print Request SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
PullStoredPrintMetaClass | Pull Stored Print Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RawDataStorage | Raw Data Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RealWorldValueMappingStorage | Real World Value Mapping Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ReferencedColorPrintMetaClassRetired | Referenced Color Print Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ReferencedGrayscalePrintMetaClassRetired | Referenced Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
ReferencedImageBoxClassRetired | Referenced Image Box SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RespiratoryWaveformStorage | Respiratory Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Rfc2557MimeEncapsulation | RFC 2557 MIME encapsulation Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RLELossless | RLE Lossless Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTBeamsDeliveryInstructionStorage | RT Beams Delivery Instruction Storage (Supplement 74 Frozen Draft) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorageClass | RT Beams Treatment Record Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorageClass | RT Brachy Treatment Record Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTConventionalMachineVerification | RT Conventional Machine Verification (Supplement 74 Frozen Draft) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTDoseStorage | RT Dose Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTImageStorage | RT Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage | RT Ion Beams Treatment Record Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTIonMachineVerification | RT Ion Machine Verification (Supplement 74 Frozen Draft) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTIonPlanStorage | RT Ion Plan Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTPlanStorage | RT Plan Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTStructureStorage | RT Structure Set Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorageClass | RT Treatment Summary Record Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SCImageStorage | Secondary Capture Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SCMultiFrameGrayscaleByteImageStorage | Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SCMultiFrameGrayscaleWordImageStorage | Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SCMultiFrameSingleBitImageStorage | Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SCMultiFrameTrueColorImageStorage | Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SegmentationStorage | Segmentation Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SpatialFiducialsStorage | Spatial Fiducials Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SpatialRegistrationStorage | Spatial Registration Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SpectaclePrescriptionReportStorage | Spectacle Prescription Report Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2Avg152pdFrameOfReference | SPM2 AVG152PD Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2Avg152t1FrameOfReference | SPM2 AVG152T1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2Avg152t2FrameOfReference | SPM2 AVG152T2 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2Avg305t1FrameOfReference | SPM2 AVG305T1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2BrainmaskFrameOfReference | SPM2 BRAINMASK Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2CsfFrameOfReference | SPM2 CSF Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2EpiFrameOfReference | SPM2 EPI Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2FilT1FrameOfReference | SPM2 FIL T1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2GrayFrameOfReference | SPM2 GRAY Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2PdFrameOfReference | SPM2 PD Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2PETFrameOfReference | SPM2 PET Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2Singlesubjt1FrameOfReference | SPM2 SINGLESUBJT1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2SpectFrameOfReference | SPM2 SPECT Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2T1FrameOfReference | SPM2 T1 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2T2FrameOfReference | SPM2 T2 Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2TransmFrameOfReference | SPM2 TRANSM Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
Spm2WhiteFrameOfReference | SPM2 WHITE Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StandaloneCurveStorage | Standalone Curve Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StandaloneModalityLutStorage | Standalone Modality LUT Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StandaloneOverlayStorage | Standalone Overlay Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StandalonePETCurveStorage | Standalone PET Curve Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StandaloneVoiLutStorage | Standalone VOI LUT Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StereometricRelationshipStorage | Stereometric Relationship Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StorageCommitmentPullModelClass | Storage Commitment Pull Model SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StorageCommitmentPullModelInstance | Storage Commitment Pull Model SOP Instance (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StorageCommitmentPushModelClass | Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StorageCommitmentPushModelInstance | Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StorageServiceClass | Storage Service Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StoredPrintStorageClass | Stored Print Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StudyComponentClass | Study Component Management SOP Class (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StudyRootQueryFind | Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StudyRootQueryGet | Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - GET Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
StudyRootQueryMove | Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SubjectiveRefractionMeasurementsStorage | Subjective Refraction Measurements Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SubstanceAdministrationLogging | Substance Administration Logging SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SubstanceAdministrationLoggingSopInstance | Substance Administration Logging SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SubstanceApprovalQuery | Substance Approval Query SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
SurfaceSegmentationStorage | Surface Segmentation Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
TalairachBrainAtlasFrameOfReference | Talairach Brain Atlas Frame of Reference Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
TextSRStorageTrialRetired | Text SR Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage | 12-lead ECG Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
TwleveLeadECGWaveformStorage | 12-lead ECG Waveform Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedProcedureStepEvent | Unified Procedure Step - Event SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedProcedureStepPull | Unified Procedure Step - Pull SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedProcedureStepPush | Unified Procedure Step - Push SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedProcedureStepWatch | Unified Procedure Step - Watch SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedWorklistAndProcedureStepServiceClass | Unified Worklist and Procedure Step Service Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
UnifiedWorklistAndProcedureStepSopInstance | Unified Worklist and Procedure Step SOP Instance Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
USImageStorage | Ultrasound Image Storage | |
USImageStorageRetired | Ultrasound Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
USMultiframeImageStorage | Ultrasound Multi-frame Image Storage | |
USMultiframeImageStorageRetired | Ultrasound Multi-frame Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VerificationClass | Verification SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VideoEndoscopicImageStorage | Video Endoscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VideoMicroscopicImageStorage | Video Microscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VideoPhotographicImageStorage | Video Photographic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VisualAcuityMeasurementsStorage | Visual Acuity Measurements Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLEndoscopicImageStorageClass | VL Endoscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLImageStorageRetired | VL Image Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLMicroscopicImageStorageClass | VL Microscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLMultiframeImageStorageRetired | VL Multi-frame Image Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLPhotographicImageStorageClass | VL Photographic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorageClass | VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
VoiLutBoxClassRetired | VOI LUT Box SOP Class Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
WaveformStorage | Waveform Storage - Trial (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XABiplaneImageStorageRetired | X-Ray Angiographic Bi-Plane Image Storage (Retired) Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XAImageStorage | X-Ray Angiographic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XmlEncoding | XML Encoding Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XRay3dAngiographicImageStorage | X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XRay3dCraniofacialImageStorage | X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage | X-Ray Radiation Dose SR Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage | X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. | |
XrfImageStorage | X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic Image Storage Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7. |