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IOcrPage Interface Methods
See Also 
Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace : IOcrPage Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IOcrPage members.


Public Methods

 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. AutoPreprocessPerforms automatic image processing clean up on the image to enhance the quality of the page before beginning recognition.  
 Method AutoZoneOverloaded. Performs auto decomposition of the page to find the text and graphics zones using predefined parameters  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. CreateThumbnailCreates a thumbnail image of this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. DetectFillMethodDetects the type of text in this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. GetDeskewAngleGets the angle of the skew of this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. GetPaletteGets the palette used by this page.  
 Method GetRasterImageOverloaded. Gets the current image data of this page as a raster image.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. GetRecognizedCharactersGets the last recognized character data of this IOcrPage  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. GetRotateAngleGets the angle of the rotation of this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. GetZoneBoundsInPixelsGets the bounding rectangle of a zone in pixels  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. HitTestZoneGets the zero-based index of the zone under a certain point.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. IsInvertedGets a value that indicate whether this IOcrPage is inverted.  
 Method LoadZonesOverloaded. Load zones from a single-page zones disk file.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. RecognizeRecognizes the OCR data found on this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. RecognizeTextRecognizes the OCR data found on this IOcrPage and returns the result as a string.  
 Method SaveZonesOverloaded. Saves the zones of this IOcrPage to a single-page zones disk file.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. SetRasterImageUpdates the page image data from a Leadtools.RasterImage object.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. SetRecognizedCharactersSets the recognized character data of this IOcrPage  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. UnrecognizeDestroy the recognized data internally stored in this IOcrPage.  
 MethodIncludes members available as add-ons to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. UpdateFillMethodUpdate the type of text in the zones of this IOcrPage.  

See Also

IOcrPage requires an OCR module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features