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RasterColor16 Structure Members
See Also  Fields  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools Namespace : RasterColor16 Structure

The following tables list the members exposed by RasterColor16.

Public Constructors

public Constructor RasterColor16 ConstructorInitializes a new RasterColor16 structure with specific values for red, green and blue. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  

Public Fields

public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) MaximumComponentMaximum value for the alpha, red, green, blue component. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  
public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) MinimumComponentMinimum value for the alpha, red, green, blue component. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  

Public Properties

public Property BGets or sets the blue component of this RasterColor16 structure. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  
public Property GGets or sets the green component of this RasterColor structure. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  
public Property RGets or sets the red component of this RasterColor structure. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  

Public Methods

public Method ToStringOverridden. Converts this RasterColor16 structure to a human-readable string. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7  

See Also