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Append Method
See Also 
Leadtools Namespace > RasterImageAnimator Class : Append Method

A RasterImage that contains 1 or more frames to be added to the animation.
A RasterImage that contains 1 or more frames to be added to the animation.
Appends an image to the animated multi-frame image during an animation playback.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Sub Append( _
   ByVal image As RasterImage _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterImageAnimator
Dim image As RasterImage
public void Append( 
   RasterImage image
void Append( 
   RasterImage^ image


A RasterImage that contains 1 or more frames to be added to the animation.


This example plays an animated GIF file as it loads the file

Visual BasicCopy Code
Private _animator As RasterImageAnimator
   Private _targetImage As RasterImage
   Private _graphics As Graphics
   Private _destRect As LeadRect
   Private _paintProperties As RasterPaintProperties
   Sub RasterImageAppendExample(ByVal panel As Panel)
      ' Initialize the RasterCodecs object
      Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()

      ' An animated GIF file
      Dim fileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Eye.gif")

      ' load the first frame, so we have the palette and a target image for playback
      _targetImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1)

      ' Create the animator
      _animator = New RasterImageAnimator(_targetImage, Nothing)

      ' Setup our class members used in the event handler
      _graphics = panel.CreateGraphics()
      _destRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB(panel.ClientRectangle.Left, panel.ClientRectangle.Top, panel.ClientRectangle.Right, panel.ClientRectangle.Bottom)
      _paintProperties = RasterPaintProperties.Default
      _paintProperties.PaintEngine = RasterPaintEngine.GdiPlus

      ' Hook to the LoadImage event and load the file
      AddHandler codecs.LoadImage, AddressOf codecs_LoadImage
      RemoveHandler codecs.LoadImage, AddressOf codecs_LoadImage

      _animator = Nothing


   End Sub

   Sub codecs_LoadImage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CodecsLoadImageEventArgs)
      If ((e.Flags And CodecsLoadImageFlags.FirstRow) = CodecsLoadImageFlags.FirstRow) Then
      End If

      _animator.ValidateLines(e.Row, e.Lines)

      Dim state As RasterImageAnimatorState = _animator.State

      Do While (state <> RasterImageAnimatorState.End)
         state = _animator.Process()

         Dim updateRect As LeadRect

         Select Case (state)
            Case RasterImageAnimatorState.WaitInput

            Case RasterImageAnimatorState.PostClear, _
               updateRect = _animator.GetUpdateRectangle(True)
               RasterImagePainter.Paint(_targetImage, _graphics, LeadRect.Empty, updateRect, _destRect, LeadRect.Empty, _paintProperties)
         End Select

         Exit Do
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
C#Copy Code
RasterImageAnimator _animator;
   RasterImage _targetImage;
   Graphics _graphics;
   LeadRect _destRect;
   RasterPaintProperties _paintProperties;

   public void RasterImageAppendExample(Panel panel)
      // Initialize the RasterCodecs object
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      // An animated GIF file
      string fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Eye.gif");

      // load the first frame, so we have the palette and a target image for playback
      _targetImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1);

      // Create the animator
      _animator = new RasterImageAnimator(_targetImage, null);

      // Setup our class members used in the event handler
      _graphics = panel.CreateGraphics();
      _destRect = LeadRect.FromLTRB(panel.ClientRectangle.Left, panel.ClientRectangle.Top, panel.ClientRectangle.Right, panel.ClientRectangle.Bottom);
      _paintProperties = RasterPaintProperties.Default;
      _paintProperties.PaintEngine = RasterPaintEngine.GdiPlus;

      // Hook to the LoadImage event and load the file
      codecs.LoadImage += new EventHandler<CodecsLoadImageEventArgs>(codecs_LoadImage);
      codecs.LoadImage -= new EventHandler<CodecsLoadImageEventArgs>(codecs_LoadImage);

      _animator = null;



   void codecs_LoadImage(object sender, CodecsLoadImageEventArgs e)
      if((e.Flags & CodecsLoadImageFlags.FirstRow) == CodecsLoadImageFlags.FirstRow)

      _animator.ValidateLines(e.Row, e.Lines);

      RasterImageAnimatorState state = _animator.State;

      while(state != RasterImageAnimatorState.End)
         state = _animator.Process();

         LeadRect updateRect;

            case RasterImageAnimatorState.WaitInput:

            case RasterImageAnimatorState.PostClear:
            case RasterImageAnimatorState.PostRender:
               updateRect = _animator.GetUpdateRectangle(true);
               RasterImagePainter.Paint(_targetImage, _graphics, LeadRect.Empty, updateRect, _destRect, LeadRect.Empty, _paintProperties);


static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
SilverlightCSharpCopy Code
SilverlightVBCopy Code


If you pass null (Nothing in VisualBasic) in the animatedImage parameter for the RasterImageAnimator constructor, you can use the Append method to add frames to the multi-frame image during the animation. This is useful if you want to play an animated file as it is being loaded using the RasterCodecs.LoadImage event. If you need to reference the multi-frame image after the animation, you can call the Destroy method before you dispose this RasterImageAnimator object.

After you call Destroy, this RasterImageAnimator object is invalid and you should only call the Dispose method afterwards.

The ValidateLines method lets you validate the lines that the animation playback engine will render to the target image


Target Platforms: Silverlight, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only), Windows Phone 7

See Also