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LoggerCollection Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Logging.Configuration Namespace : LoggerCollection Class

The following tables list the members exposed by LoggerCollection.

Public Constructors

public Constructor LoggerCollection ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the LoggerCollection class.  

Public Properties

public Property CollectionTypeOverridden. Gets the type of the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection.  
public Property CountGets the number of elements in the collection. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
public Property ElementInformationGets an System.Configuration.ElementInformation object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement object. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property EmitClearGets or sets a value that specifies whether the collection has been cleared. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
public Property IsSynchronizedGets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
public Property ItemOverloaded. Gets or sets the LoggerElement at the specified index.  
public Property LockAllAttributesExceptGets the collection of locked attributes. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property LockAllElementsExceptGets the collection of locked elements. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property LockAttributesGets the collection of locked attributes (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property LockElementsGets the collection of locked elements. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property LockItemGets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
public Property SyncRootGets an object used to synchronize access to the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)

Protected Properties

protected Property ElementNameOverridden. Gets the name used to identify this collection of elements in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class.  
protected Property EvaluationContextGets the System.Configuration.ContextInformation object for the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement object. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Property ThrowOnDuplicateGets a value indicating whether an attempt to add a duplicate System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement to the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection will cause an exception to be thrown. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)

Public Methods

public Method AddAdds the specified logger element.  
public Method ContainsKeyDetermines whether the specified name contains key.  
public Method CopyToCopies the contents of the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection to an array. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
public Method GetEnumeratorGets an System.Collections.IEnumerator which is used to iterate through the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
public Method IsReadOnlyOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether the T:LoggerCollection object is read only.  

Protected Methods

protected Method BaseIndexOfThe index of the specified System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
protected Method CreateNewElementOverloaded. Overridden. When overridden in a derived class, creates a new System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement.  
protected Method GetElementKeyOverridden. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class.  
protected Method IsElementNameIndicates whether the specified System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement exists in the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
protected Method IsElementRemovableGets a value indicating whether the specified System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement can be removed from the System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection)
protected Method ListErrorsAdds the invalid-property errors in this System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement object, and in all subelements, to the passed list. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttributeGets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElementGets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method OnRequiredPropertyNotFoundThrows an exception when a required property is not found. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method PostDeserializeCalled after deserialization. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method PreSerializeCalled before serialization. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)
protected Method SetPropertyValueSets a property to the specified value. (Inherited from System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)

See Also

Leadtools.Logging requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features