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DICOMPluginFactory Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Dicom.Services Namespace : DICOMPluginFactory Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DICOMPluginFactory.

Public Constructors

public Constructor DICOMPluginFactory ConstructorInitailizes a new instance of the DICOMPluginFactory class.  

Protected Properties

protected Property ConfigHandler Gets or Sets the factory and the plug-ins types and initialization information  

Public Methods

public Method GetDICOMManagePlugIn Creates a DICOM Manage plug-in object.  
public Method GetDICOMObjectRetrievePlugIn Creates a DICOM Object Retrieve plug-in object.  
public Method GetDICOMQueryPlugIn Creates a DICOM Query plug-in object.  
public Method GetDICOMStorePlugIn Creates a DICOM Store plug-in object.  

Protected Methods

protected Method GetIdentity Gets the primary identity associated with the current setting  

See Also