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ImageInfo Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Dicom.Web Namespace : ImageInfo Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageInfo.

Public Constructors

public Constructor ImageInfo ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImageInfo class.  

Public Properties

public Property BitAllocatedGets or sets the number of bits allocated for each pixel sample.  
public Property BitsStoredGets or sets the number of bits stored for each pixel sample.  
public Property DicomFileSizeGets or sets the DICOM file size.  
public Property ExtensionDataOverloaded. Inherits from System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject  
public Property HeightGets or sets height of the image.  
public Property HighBitGets or sets the image window level high bit value.  
public Property NumberOfFramesGets or sets the number of frames in the image.  
public Property PhotometricInterpretationGets or sets the Photometric type code.  
public Property PixelRepresentationGets or sets the pixel representation.  
public Property PlanarConfigurationGets or sets the planar configuration  
public Property TransferSyntaxGets or sets the Transfer Syntax.  
public Property WidthGets or sets the width of the image.  

Protected Methods

protected Method RaisePropertyChangedRaises the Study.PropertyChanged event.  

Public Events

public Event PropertyChangedOccurs when a property value change.  

See Also