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StorageOptions Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Dicom.Web Namespace : StorageOptions Class

The following tables list the members exposed by StorageOptions.

Public Constructors

public Constructor StorageOptions ConstructorInitializes a new instance from the StorageOptions class.  

Public Properties

public Property EnablePreCompressesImageGets or sets if the server should store a Pre-compressed image when storing a DICOM object.  
public Property EnablePreGeneratedThumbnailGets or sets if the server should store a Pre-generated thumbnail when storing a DICOM object.  
public Property ExtensionDataOverloaded. Inherits from System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject  
public Property LosslessCompressionMimeTypeGets or sets the lossless compression type.  
public Property LossyCompressionMimeTypeGets or sets the lossy compression type.  
public Property LossyCompressionQFactorGets or sets the Quality Factor for the lossy compression.  
public Property ThumbnailHeightGets or sets the Pre-generated thumbnail Height.  
public Property ThumbnailWidthGets or sets the Pre-generated thumbnail Width.  

Protected Methods

protected Method RaisePropertyChangedRaises the Study.PropertyChanged event.  

Public Events

public Event PropertyChangedOccurs when a property value change.  

See Also