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IModalitySettingsView Interface Events
See Also 
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace : IModalitySettingsView Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IModalitySettingsView members.


Public Events

 Event AddModalityWindowLevelClickedOccurs when the user wants to add a Window Level for a modality.  
 Event AutoWindowLevelShortcutChangedOccurs when the AutoWindowLevel shortcut key is changed.  
 Event AutoWindowLevelStateChangedOccurs when the AutoWindowLevel state is changed.  
 Event DefaultModalityPresetChangedOccurs when the default modality preset is changed.  
 Event DeleteModalityWindowLevelClickedOccurs when the user request to delete a Window Level for a Modality.  
 Event LoadedOccurs when the view is loaded with settings.  
 Event SelectedModalityChangedOccurs when the selected Modality is changed.  
 Event SelectedModalityWindowLevelChangedOccurs when the selected Modality's window level is changed.  
 Event UpdateModalityWindowLevelClickedOccurs when the user request to Update the Window Level for a Modality .  

See Also