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CinePlayer Class Fields
See Also 
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI Namespace : CinePlayer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see CinePlayer members.


Protected Fields

protected Field AdvancedChcekBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that enables or disables advanced options controls for the CinePlayer.  
protected Field AnimateAllSubCellsCheckBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox that allows the user to choose whether to animate all of the sub-cells in the MedicalViewer.  
protected Field BackwardCheckBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation backwards.  
protected Field CinePlayerGroupBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the CinePlayer.  
protected Field CloseDlgButtonRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.Button that closes the dialog.  
protected Field ExtendedParametersGroupBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox that contains the extended parameters.  
protected Field FastSpeedLabela System.Windows.Forms.Label  
protected Field ForwardCheckBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.Button control that plays the animation forwards.  
protected Field FramePerSecondLabel  
protected Field FramePerSecondNumericUpDown  
protected Field FramesComboBox  
protected Field FramesFromLabel  
protected Field FramesGroupBox  
protected Field FramesLabel  
protected Field FramesToLabel  
protected Field FromTextBox  
protected Field InterpolationComboBoxRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that allows the user to select the Interpolation type..  
protected Field InterpolationLabelRepresents a System.Windows.Forms.Label control that displays the Interploation.  
protected Field JumpFramesLabel  
protected Field JumpFramesNumericUpDown  

See Also