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WindowLevelInformation Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace : WindowLevelInformation Class

The following tables list the members exposed by WindowLevelInformation.

Public Constructors

public Constructor WindowLevelInformation ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

public Property CenterGets or sets the window level center.  
public Property NameGets or sets the name of the WindowLevelInformation object.  
public Property ShortcutGets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.Keys enumeration value that is the shortcut for the WindowLevelInformation object.  
public Property WidthGets or sets the window level width.  

Public Methods

public Method BeginEditCall this to indicate an editing mode before calling CommitChanges or DiscardChanges  
public Method CommitChangesCall this method to accept the changes after calling BeginEdit and end the editing mode. This will fire all the PropertyChanged events.  
public Method DiscardChangesCall this method to reject the changes after calling BeginEdit and end the editing mode. No PropertyChanged events will be fired.  

Protected Methods

protected Method OnPropertyChangedRaises the PropertyChanged event.  

Public Events

public Event PropertyChangedOccurs when any property in the WindowLevelInformation class changes.  

See Also