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CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow Class Methods
See Also 
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace : CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow Class


For a list of all members of this type, see CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow members.


Public Methods

public Method AcceptChangesCommits all the changes made to this row since the last time System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method BeginEditStarts an edit operation on a System.Data.DataRow object. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method CancelEditCancels the current edit on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method ClearErrorsClears the errors for the row. This includes the System.Data.DataRow.RowError and errors set with System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(System.Int32,System.String). (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method DeleteDeletes the System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method EndEditEnds the edit occurring on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetChildRowsOverloaded. Gets the child rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetColumnErrorOverloaded. Gets the error description for the column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetColumnsInErrorGets an array of columns that have errors. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetNameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow.  
public Method GetOtherStudyNumbersRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.OtherStudyNumbersRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow.  
public Method GetParentRowOverloaded. Gets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetParentRowsOverloaded. Gets the parent rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetProcedureCodeSequenceRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.ProcedureCodeSequenceRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow.  
public Method GetReferencedStudySequenceRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.ReferencedStudySequenceRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow.  
public Method GetSeriesRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.SeriesRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyRow.  
public Method HasVersionGets a value that indicates whether a specified version exists. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method IsAccessionNumberNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AccessionNumberColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsAdditionalPatientHistoryNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsAdmittingDiagnosesDescNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AdmittingDiagnosesDescColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsInterpretationAuthorNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.InterpretationAuthorColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsNullOverloaded. Gets a value that indicates whether the column at the specified index contains a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method IsOccupationNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.OccupationColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsPatientAgeNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientAgeColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsPatientIDNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientIDColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsPatientSizeNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientSizeColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsPatientWeightNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientWeightColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferDrFamilyNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferDrGivenNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrGivenNameColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferDrMiddleNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferDrNamePrefixNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrNamePrefixColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferDrNameSuffixNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrNameSuffixColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsRetrieveAETitleNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsStudyDateNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyDateColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsStudyDescriptionNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyDescriptionColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsStudyIDNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyIDColumn contains a null value.  
public Method RejectChangesRejects all changes made to the row since System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was last called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetAccessionNumberNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AccessionNumberColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetAddedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Added. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetAdditionalPatientHistoryNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetAdmittingDiagnosesDescNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.AdmittingDiagnosesDescColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetColumnErrorOverloaded. Sets the error description for a column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetInterpretationAuthorNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.InterpretationAuthorColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetModifiedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Modified. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetOccupationNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.OccupationColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetParentRowOverloaded. Sets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow with specified new parent System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetPatientAgeNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientAgeColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetPatientIDNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientIDColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetPatientSizeNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientSizeColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetPatientWeightNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.PatientWeightColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferDrFamilyNameNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrFamilyNameColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferDrGivenNameNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrGivenNameColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferDrMiddleNameNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrMiddleNameColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferDrNamePrefixNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrNamePrefixColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferDrNameSuffixNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.ReferDrNameSuffixColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetRetrieveAETitleNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetStudyDateNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyDateColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetStudyDescriptionNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyDescriptionColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetStudyIDNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.StudyDataTable.StudyIDColumn to a null value.  

Protected Methods

protected Method SetNullSets the value of the specified System.Data.DataColumn to a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features