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StorageDbDataAccessAgent Class Methods
See Also 
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace : StorageDbDataAccessAgent Class


For a list of all members of this type, see StorageDbDataAccessAgent members.


Public Methods

public Method DeleteInstanceDelete the composite instances information that matches the given query parameters.  
public Method DeletePatientDelete the patient's information that matches the given query parameters.  
public Method DeleteSeriesDelete the series information that matches the given query parameters.  
public Method DeleteStudyDelete the studies information that matches the given query parameters.  
public Method FindCompositeInstancesCountReturns the number of composite instances that matches the query parameters.  
public Method FindPatientsCountReturns the number of patients that matches the query parameters.  
public Method FindSeriesCountReturns the number of series that matches the query parameters.  
public Method FindStudiesCountReturns the number of studies that matches the query parameters.  
public Method IsCompositeInstancesExistsReturns whether a DICOM instance information exists for the given SOP Instance UID.  
public Method IsPatientsExistsReturns whether a patient information exists for the given Patient ID.  
public Method IsSeriesExistsReturns whether a series information exists for the given Series Instance UID.  
public Method IsStudyExistsReturns whether a study information exists for the given Study Instance UID.  
public Method QueryCompositeInstancesFind composite instance information with the specified matching parameters.  
public Method QueryPatientsFind patient's information with the specified matching parameters.  
public Method QuerySeriesFind series information with the specified matching parameters.  
public Method QueryStudiesFind studies information with the specified matching parameters.  
public Method StoreDicomAdd DICOM information into the storage source.  
public Method UpdateCompositeInstanceUpdate the information of DICOM composite instance by adding, deleting or modifying information.  

Protected Methods

protected Method CreateCompositeInstanceDataSetReturns an empty CompositeInstanceDataSet.  
protected Method CreateDatabaseProviderCreates the database provider for connecting and working with DICOM Storage database.  
protected Method GetCompositeInstanceQueryDataAdapterTablesReturns the table names which should be used to update a System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.TableMappings when performing a query.  
protected Method GetDicomDataSetConverterReturns an object used to convert a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet into a CompositeInstanceDataSet.  
protected Method PrepareDeleteInstanceCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete composite instances using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareDeletePatientsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete patients using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareDeletePatientsNoChildStudiesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphan patients that doesn't have child studies information.  
protected Method PrepareDeleteSeriesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete series using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareDeleteSeriesNoChildInstancesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphan series that doesn't have child composite instances information.  
protected Method PrepareDeleteStudiesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete studies using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareDeleteStudiesNoChildSeriesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphanstudies that doesn't have child series information.  
protected Method PrepareInstanceQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for Composite Instance information using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareInstanceQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for composite instances count using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareIsInstanceExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a DICOM Instance information exists.  
protected Method PrepareIsPatientExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a patient information exists.  
protected Method PrepareIsSeriesExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a series information exists.  
protected Method PrepareIsStudyExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a study information exists.  
protected Method PreparePatientsQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for patient information using matching parameters.  
protected Method PreparePatientsQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for patients count using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareSeriesQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for series information using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareSeriesQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for series count using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareStudiesQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for studies information using matching parameters.  
protected Method PrepareStudiesQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for studies count using matching parameters.  
protected Method UpdateTableUpdate a specific table in a CompositeInstanceDataSet by adding, deleting or modifying information.  

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features