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CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace : CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow Class

The following tables list the members exposed by CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow.

Public Properties

public Property HasErrorsGets a value that indicates whether there are errors in a row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property InstanceNumberGets or sets the Instance Number.  
public Property ItemOverloaded. Gets or sets the data stored in the column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property ItemArrayGets or sets all the values for this row through an array. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property ReceiveDateGets or sets the Receive Date.  
public Property ReferencedFileGets or sets the Referenced File.  
public Property RetrieveAETitleGets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.  
public Property RowErrorGets or sets the custom error description for a row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property RowStateGets the current state of the row with regard to its relationship to the System.Data.DataRowCollection. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property SeriesInstanceUIDGets or sets the Series Instance UID.  
public Property SeriesRowGets or sets the parent CompositeInstanceDataSet.SeriesRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow  
public Property SOPClassUIDGets or sets the SOP Class UID.  
public Property SOPInstanceUIDGets or sets the SOP Instance UID.  
public Property StationNameGets or sets the Station Name.  
public Property TableGets the System.Data.DataTable for which this row has a schema. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Property TransferSyntaxGets or sets the Transfer Syntax.  

Public Methods

public Method AcceptChangesCommits all the changes made to this row since the last time System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method BeginEditStarts an edit operation on a System.Data.DataRow object. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method CancelEditCancels the current edit on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method ClearErrorsClears the errors for the row. This includes the System.Data.DataRow.RowError and errors set with System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(System.Int32,System.String). (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method DeleteDeletes the System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method EndEditEnds the edit occurring on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetChildRowsOverloaded. Gets the child rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetColumnErrorOverloaded. Gets the error description for the column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetColumnsInErrorGets an array of columns that have errors. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetImageInstanceRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.ImageInstanceRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow.  
public Method GetParentRowOverloaded. Gets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetParentRowsOverloaded. Gets the parent rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method GetReferencedImagesRowsReturns the child CompositeInstanceDataSet.ReferencedImagesRow for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceRow.  
public Method HasVersionGets a value that indicates whether a specified version exists. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method IsInstanceNumberNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.InstanceNumberColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsNullOverloaded. Gets a value that indicates whether the column at the specified index contains a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method IsReceiveDateNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.ReceiveDateColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsReferencedFileNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.ReferencedFileColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsRetrieveAETitleNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsSOPClassUIDNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.SOPClassUIDColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsStationNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.StationNameColumn contains a null value.  
public Method IsTransferSyntaxNullGets a value that indicates whether the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.TransferSyntaxColumn contains a null value.  
public Method RejectChangesRejects all changes made to the row since System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was last called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetAddedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Added. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetColumnErrorOverloaded. Sets the error description for a column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetInstanceNumberNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.InstanceNumberColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetModifiedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Modified. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetParentRowOverloaded. Sets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow with specified new parent System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
public Method SetReceiveDateNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.ReceiveDateColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetReferencedFileNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.ReferencedFileColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetRetrieveAETitleNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetSOPClassUIDNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.SOPClassUIDColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetStationNameNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.StationNameColumn to a null value.  
public Method SetTransferSyntaxNullSets the value of the CompositeInstanceDataSet.InstanceDataTable.TransferSyntaxColumn to a null value.  

Protected Methods

protected Method SetNullSets the value of the specified System.Data.DataColumn to a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features