Copies the items of the collection to an
AudioInput array, starting at a specified array index.
Visual Basic (Usage) | Copy Code |
Dim instance As AudioInputs
Dim array() As AudioInput
Dim arrayIndex As Integer
instance.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) |
- array
- The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the items to be copied from the collection. Note: The Array must have zero-based indexing.
- arrayIndex
- The zero-based index in the destination array at which copying begins.
Visual Basic | Copy Code |
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public _form As CaptureCtrlForm = New CaptureCtrlForm()
Public Sub CopyToExample()
' reference the capture control
Dim capturectrl As CaptureCtrl = _form.CaptureCtrl
' set an audio device first, you should use your audio device name here
If capturectrl.AudioDevices("USB") Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("No USB audio device available")
End If
capturectrl.AudioDevices("USB").Selected = True
' reference the audio inputs collection
Dim audioinputs As AudioInputs = capturectrl.AudioInputs
' allocate a new array for the copied audio inputs
Dim copiedInputs As AudioInput() = New AudioInput(audioinputs.Count - 1) {}
' copy them
audioinputs.CopyTo(copiedInputs, 0)
' set the result to what we expect
_result = (copiedInputs.Length = audioinputs.Count)
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub |
C# | Copy Code |
public bool _result = false;
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm();
public void CopyToExample()
// reference the capture control
CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl;
// set an audio device first, you should use your audio device name here
if (capturectrl.AudioDevices["USB"] == null)
throw new Exception("No USB audio device available");
capturectrl.AudioDevices["USB"].Selected = true;
// reference the audio inputs collection
AudioInputs audioinputs = capturectrl.AudioInputs;
// allocate a new array for the copied audio inputs
AudioInput[] copiedInputs = new AudioInput[audioinputs.Count];
// copy them
audioinputs.CopyTo(copiedInputs, 0);
// set the result to what we expect
_result = (copiedInputs.Length == audioinputs.Count);
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
} |
Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7
See Also